
2024-05-10 01:01

1. 急!!!!!请帮忙翻译下论文的摘要,谢谢!!!!

Financing of small enterprises
Summary Over the years, the development of SMEs in the construction of China's national economy played an important role, but its development is being affected by funding constraints, solve the financing problem of SMEs is imminent. So should the financing of SME problems and their causes, analyze and formulate corresponding measures. This article on the situation of the financing and the difficulties of the respective countries, their own quality from the financial system, three aspects of macroeconomic policy analysis, obtained the financial system of society of SMEs in China is not perfect credit guarantee not perfect, the national support policies not comprehensive, and low credit financing difficulties of SMEs is causing a major factor. And learning from foreign experience based on the situation of China suggested that we Zhongxiaoqiye start their own, and truly improve enterprise overall quality, Tongshijiasu Jianli multi-level, comprehensive, Wan Shan's SME financing Zhichi improve the management mechanism Improve the Financing of the macro-policy environment, to protect the healthy and rapid development of SMEs, and promote development of national economy.

Keywords: Causes of financing their own quality of macroeconomic policy


2. 急!!论文摘要翻译,请大家帮一下忙,谢谢!!

At present China's banking information science and technology is in rapid development period, the equipment scale and technical level increasing at the same time, information technology risk management Xiangdui seem Shifen weak, information technology risk has Chengwei sound operation of banking institutions in the Zhong Yao hidden. RCCU electronic since 2005, construction time is shorter, the safety management of state-owned banks are relatively weak, so the effective assessment of information systems, information systems can take full advantage of the security situation and adopt appropriate security measures the information security risks can be controlled in the range.
This article first reviewed the relevant literature on the basis of the risk characteristics of the banking information system and risk management problems are described, analyzed the right information systems risk analysis and introduces the need for security risk assessment model and calculation method. Second, information systems risk analysis of the characteristics of the banking and commercial banking risk management in information systems existing in the universality of the problem, described RCCU organizational structure, business Development and RCCU information technology development, a detailed description RCCU information system operation, management and risk conditions, risk analysis for the next step basis.The third basis for information security risk assessment guidelines at the request of RCCU information systems to accurately identify the assets, on the possible threat, vulnerability and the need to protect the information assets of a quantitative risk analysis, information systems designed by risk analysis to understand RCCU information technology governance and organizational structure Quexian content, clear information on safe management of risk, determine the system Jishu system risks, and thus effectively prevent and control RCCU in the use of information systems management and internal control process produces risk.Finally, the results of information systems risk analysis in information systems on RCCU problems and risks in the organizational structure, staffing, security management, project development and change, the system runs and six operations and business continuity management proposals put forward.

3. 急!!!请帮忙翻译一篇文章!!


四,在欧洲,医生给病人开处方药尚未标准化。安东尼 C 卡特赖特在会上提到相互认可程序时提出建议,在起草欧洲版的“产品特点总结报告(SPC)”之前,公司应先做好市场信息的收集,包括重要的市场指标,剂量禁忌,以及针对相关或类似产品发出的警告。如果在产品特点总结报告中对某种药品提出过多要求,那么有可能在一个国家成功,而另一个国家却行不通。疫苗领域面临着特殊困难,因为使用疫苗的剂量与国家公共健康政策有着十分紧密的联系。
五,借助重组技术研制出的疫苗必须接受新制定的集中程序审查。大卫 B 杰佛瑞承认,欧洲的这个领域进展较为缓慢,他预计到明年一月份只有约20种疫苗申请接受审查。虽然EMEA很多工作都与药物警戒相关,但能够直接影响发放药品许可的力量不是欧盟十五个成员国的公众健康,而是拥有着3亿8千万消费者的自由商品市场。这次研讨会给人的印象是,非商业盈利团体对EMEA的表现能够给予准确评价,因为他们经验会变得越来越丰富。诸如,针对消极的决策发起的诉讼;当某种药物申请在一个国家获得批准,而在另一个国家遭到拒绝时,应如何加以解决。


4. 急急急!!!求帮忙翻译一下课程!

大学英语口语  unversity spoken english
大学英语视听说   English audio-visual & speaking course
大学英语精读   English Intensive Reading
大学计算机基础  Basic computer sience knowledge
大学生养成教育 The cultivation education of College Students
中国近代史纲要 A Concise Outline of Chinese Modern History
金融营销 Financial marketing
概率论  Probability Theory
商务谈判  Business negotiation
中国古代诗歌鉴赏 Appreciation of Chinese Ancient Poems
线性代数  Linear algebra
形体  Physical Education
职业发展与就业指导  Occupation development and employment guidance
金融市场 financial market
商业银行经营与管理  The operation and management of commercial bank
投资银行学 Investment banking
国际贸易理论与实务 Theory and practice of international trade
保险学 Insurance
证券投资学 Investment securities
中级财务会计 Intermediate financial accounting
期权期货  Options on futures
现代金融业务 Modern financial business

呼...好多啊。总之,希望可以帮到你! > <

5. 急急急!!!求高人帮忙翻译一下论文摘要!!!万分感谢!!!

Generally,excessive treatment refer to medical institutions and individuals violate the law ,exceed the actual needs of the patient and cause personal injury and property damage during treatment. 

Excessive treatment should be considered as civil tort.

Excessive treatment objectively main show is excessive examination, excessive prescription and surgery. 

The liability of excessive treatment needs to satisfy the components of the harm behavior, infringement facts, causation and medical fault. 

When there is a legal case, the medical party can avoid the liability of excessive medical tort.

When excessive treatment occurs,the medical party should pay by the property and the personal damage compensation and spirit damage compensation methods to undertake the tort liability.



6. 审计!!急急急!!


	银行	         企业
7月31日	223546     	220000
7月8日		          8500
7月22日		           46
7月25日		         -8500
7月31日	4000	
7月31日	-2000	
7月31日		         5500
合计	225546             	225546

2)记帐不及时、不认真。(7月8日,银行对账单上收到外地汇款8 500元,但日记帐上无此记录。)
   工作疏漏,支票领用登记不及时(7月25日,对账单付出8 500元(查系转账支票),但日记账无此记录。)


7. 帮帮忙解决一道关于审计的问题!!!越详细越好!

(1) 自产产品用于捐赠,属于视同销售。会计上不做收入,但是计算应交所得税、增值税时应该考虑;


8. 跪求大神 解审计题 !!!万分感谢!
