翻译几段话 ~

2024-05-20 20:48

1. 翻译几段话 ~

1 。过度加班的原因
耐克CEO马克•帕克宣布,将在2011财年消除其代工企业过度加班的现象 。
1.	The reasons of excessive overtime
Enhance the sustainable relationship with OEM plants and strengthen their capacity;
Make apparent all the information concerning the OEM plants;
Disclose the audit approach of OEM plants on the net.
CEO of Nike, Mark Parker announced that the excessive overtime phenomenon of its OEM plants will be eliminated in the fiscal year of 2011. 

2 。耐克开发了一种工具-Considered指数,它能对这些决策的环境成本加以量化 。
2.  Nike has developed a tool – Considered Index, that can quantify the environmental cost of these policies.

3 。史上最环保和拥有最先进科技的球衣出现在南非赛场上。耐克赞助的所有国家队(包括巴西、葡萄牙和荷兰)将首次身穿完全由回收聚酯制作而成的球衣,每件球衣最多使用了八个回收塑料瓶。
3.  The most environmental friendly and hi-tech jersey in history made their presence on the football fields of South Africa. All the Nike sponsored national teams (including Brazil, Portugal and Holland) would, for the first time, put on jerseys made entirely from recycled polyester, each jersey used up maximum eight recycled plastic bottles.
    Nike had collected discarded plastic bottles and transformed them into jersey fabric for making the national team costumes for the 2010 World Cup.      

4 。深入调查并千方百计地满足顾客的需求;
4.	Conduct in-depth investigation and try every possible means to satisfy customer demands;
Advertising must stick to the facts;
Delivery must be timely;
Prices should be reasonable;
Products must be convenient to use, economical and safe;
Product packing should not contaminate environment;
Implement quality assurance system;
Provide considerate after sale services.

5.  Nike incorporates the spirit of sportsmanship into reconstruction projects, including psychological intervention projects, reconstruction projects of sports facility, social livelihood recovery and sustainable development projects.  
    Under the support of Nike, more than seven thousand students in 26 schools of the core project in disaster area were provided with training in psychological intervention.
    The four million aid fund from Nike also had already used in the micro credit project of   
    Mianzhu in Sichuan Province.

6 . 改善代工厂员工状况: 新发布的《企业责任报告》表明,2011年之前,耐克公司将通过减少耐克品牌代工厂中的过度加班来改善劳工状况。
6.  Improve the staff situation in OEM plants: the newly published ”Corporate responsibility Report” shows that before 2011, Nike shall improve the labor situation by cutting down on the excessive overtime in the OEM plants for Nike products.  

7.  实现气候中立 
7.	Achieving Climate Neutral
By the year 2011, Nike shall achieve “Climate Neutral” in all its plants, retail stores and business divisions. 
Through the “Climate Savior” project of WWF, Nike had during the past two years over fulfilled the target of reducing carbon dioxide and fluorinated gas emission.  

8.  使用环保材料 
8.	Use of environmental friendly materials
By the year 2011, all the designs of Nike shoes (annual output more than 225 million pairs) shall achieve the benchmark target – reduce wastage in terms of product designs and packages, cut down on the use of volatile organic compounds and switch to more environmental friendly materials. 

9. 投资社区建设 
9.	Investment in community development
Nike plans to invest at least USD 315 millions in community development before 2011; spurs young people to participate in sports, so as to unleash their potentials and improve their lives. Nike had already invested USD 100 millions in the community sports plan during the past two years.


翻译几段话 ~

2. 翻译一段话

克服种族偏见舞台被设定为欧文斯的胜利,在柏林奥运会明年,和他的胜利会不仅仅是体育也是政治。虽然阿道夫·希特勒曾打算在柏林奥运会加强了纳粹的雅利安人至上主义,美国奥运田径队66名运动员包括包括十名非裔美国人,和六个人金牌的美国男子田径比赛的黑人运动员。欧文斯是英雄,赢得了100米跑10.3秒,20.7秒的200米短跑和跳远,26英尺51 /2英寸。他还率领美国队赢得了400米接力在39.8秒。希特勒并没有任何的非裔美国人的获奖者表示祝贺,这一点在欧文斯对自己的余生。“这是对我,”他说年后。“我不去柏林与他握手,无论如何。所有我知道的是,我现在在这里和希特勒不是。”从柏林回来之后,他没有收到电话呼叫从总统,他自己的国家,要么,事实上,他是不获美国直到1976,四年前去世,他被授予总统自由勋章。三年后,他收到了活的传奇奖,有没有大合同,欧文斯在他的奥运胜利。他成为一个游乐场看门人,因为他无法找到另一个工作。他结束了他的职业生涯作为一个业余选手和接受钱抢车,卡车,摩托车,和狗。“当然,它困扰我,”他说以后。“但至少是诚实的生活。我吃了。”在时间上,然而,他的金牌改变了他的生活。“他们让我活了多年来,”他说,“时间已经停止,对我来说,黄金时刻,根深蒂固。”   百度不是翻译的很通顺吗?大意不就是这样吗?

3. 翻译一段话

Science means the exploration of truth. In the process of exploring truth, people will have to experience tremendous hardships and difficulties before they can come to understand the objective laws. It is often the case that the differences in the research perspectives, the materials mastered, and the ways of understanding would lead to totally different results—as we might say, “a mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally and a peak when viewed vertically, and it assumes totally different shapes when viewed from a short or a long distance, or from a high or a low position.” – and even lead to academic disputes. Therefore, an accomplished scientist would regard opposing arguments as his most tremendous benefit and take others' criticism of him as the most precious friendship that he can ever obtain. In Gothe’s words, “We take for granted what we are in favor of. However, only what we are opposed to can enrich our thoughts.” This is all because the approving opinions are not necessarily justified while the opposing arguments are not necessarily unfounded. To put it in the least way, even the opposing arguments that are mistaken will be immensely beneficial to one's own scientific research.


4. 翻译一段话


     ain't=are not,是一种缩写的形式

5. 翻译一段话




6. 翻译一段话1

对有些学生来说,他们很早就为被大学取录作准备 。在离高中毕业尚远之前,这些学生就修读特别课程,为深造作准备。他们也可能参加一个或多个考试来测试他们是否已为入大学作好充分准备。在高中的最后一年,他们填妥申请表格,(连同在校的成绩单)发送到他们最感兴趣的大学。一些高中学生可能会被大学要求参加面试。穿着整齐而通常特别紧张的他们,总是决意要表现出他们有良好的学习态度和优秀的学习能力(,以求获考官垂青)。


The task of being accepted in a university begins early for some students. Long before they graduate from high school, these students take special courses to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test how well prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they complete applications and send them (with their student records), to the universities  which interest them most. Some high school students may be required to have an interview with people from the university.  Neatly dressed and (usually very) a little bit frightened, they are determined to show that they have a good attitude and the ability to succeed.

7. 翻译一段话

This is nothing but creativity. Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words. So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. Now what are you waiting for?  Go and get a book!
你还呆在那儿干什麼? 赶快去拿本书来啊!


8. 翻译一段话
