
2024-05-29 10:54

1. 中英文会计科目对照表,

代码    名称    英译    
1    资产    assets    
11~ 12    流动资产    current assets    
111    现金及约当现金    cash and cash equivalents    
1111    库存现金 [1]      cash on hand    
1112    零用金/周转金    petty cash/revolving funds    
1113    银行存款    cash in banks    
1116    在途现金    cash in transit    
1117    约当现金    cash equivalents    
1118    其它现金及约当现金    other cash and cash equivalents    
112    短期投资    short-term investment    
1121    短期投资-股票    short-term investments-stock    
1122    短期投资-短期票券    short-term investments-short-term notes and bills    
1123    短期投资-政府债券    short-term investments-government bonds    
1124    短期投资-受益凭证    short-term investments-beneficiary certificates    
1125    短期投资-公司债    short-term investments-corporate bonds    
1128    短期投资-其它    short-term investments-other    
1129    备抵短期投资跌价损失    allowance for reduction of short-term investment to 
113    应收票据    notes receivable    
1131    应收票据    notes receivable    
1132    应收票据贴现    discounted notes receivable    
1137    应收票据-关系人    notes receivable-related parties    
1138    其它应收票据    other notes receivable    
1139    备抵呆帐-应收票据    allowance for uncollec-tible accounts-notes receivable    
114    应收帐款    accounts receivable    
1141    应收帐款    accounts receivable    
1142    应收分期帐款    installment accounts receivable    
1147    应收帐款-关系人    accounts receivable-related parties    
1149    备抵呆帐-应收帐款    allowance for uncollec-tible accounts-accounts receivable    
118    其它应收款    other Receivables    
1181    应收出售远汇款    forward exchange contract receivable    
1182    应收远汇款-外币    forward exchange contract receivable-foreign currencies    
1183    买卖远汇折价    discount on forward ex-change contract    
1184    应收收益    earned revenue receivable    
1185    应收退税款    income tax refund receivable    
1187    其它应收款-关系人    other receivables-related parties    
1188    其它应收款-其它    other receivables-other    
1189    备抵呆帐-其它应收款    allowance for uncollec-tible accounts-other receivables    
121~122    存货    inventories    
1211    商品存货    merchandise inventory    
1212    寄销商品    consigned goods    
1213    在途商品    goods in transit    
1219    备抵存货跌价损失    allowance for reduction of inventory to market    
1221    制成品    finished goods    
1222    寄销制成品    consigned finished goods    
1223    副产品    by-products    
1224    在制品    work in process    
1225    委外加工    work in process-Outsourced    
1226    原料    raw materials    
1227    物料    supplies    
1228    在途原物料    materials and supplies in transit    
1229    备抵存货跌价损失    allowance for reduction of inventory to market    
125    预付费用    prepaid expenses    
1251    预付薪资    prepaid payroll    
1252    预付租金    prepaid rents    
1253    预付保险费    prepaid insurance    
1254    用品盘存    office supplies    
1255    预付所得税    prepaid income tax    
1258    其它预付费用    other prepaid expenses    
126    预付款项    prepayments    
1261    预付货款    prepayment for purchases    
1268    其它预付款项    other prepayments    
128~129    其它流动资产    other current assets    
1281    进项税额    VAT paid ( or input tax)    
1282    留抵税额    excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT)    
1283    暂付款    temporary payments    
1284    代付款    payment on behalf of others    
1285    员工借支    advances to employees    
1286    存出保证金    refundable deposits    
1287    受限制存款    certificate of deposit-restricted    
1291    递延所得税资产    deferred income tax assets    
1292    递延兑换损失    deferred Foreign Exchange losses    
1293    业主往来(股东往来)    owners'(stockholders') current account    
1294    同业往来    current account with others    
1298    其它流动资产-其它    other current assets-other    
13    基金及长期投资    funds and long-term investments    
131    基金    funds    
1311    偿债基金    redemption fund (or sinking fund)    
1312    改良及扩充基金    fund for improvement and expansion    
1313    意外损失准备基金    contingency fund    
1314    退休基金    pension fund    
1318    其它基金    other funds    
132    长期投资    long-term investments    
1321    长期股权投资    long-term equity investments    
1322    长期债券投资    long-term bond investments    
1323    长期不动产投资    long-term real estate in-vestments    
1324    人寿保险现金解约价值    cash Surrender value of life insurance    
1328    其它长期投资    other long-term investments    
1329    备抵长期投资跌价损失    allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments    
14~ 15    固定资产    property , plant, and equipment    
141    土地    land    
1411    土地    land    
1418    土地-重估增值    land-revaluation increments    
142    土地改良物    land improvements    
1421    土地改良物    land improvements    
1428    土地改良物-重估增值    land improvements-revaluation increments    
1429    累积折旧-土地改良物    accumulated depreciation-land improvements    
143    房屋及建物    buildings    
1431    房屋及建物    buildings    
1438    房屋及建物-重估增值    buildings-revaluation increments    
1439    累积折旧-房屋及建物    accumulated depreciation-buildings    
144~146    机(器)具及设备    machinery and equipment    
1441    机(器)具    machinery    
1448    机(器)具-重估增值    machinery-revaluation increments    
1449    累积折旧-机(器)具    accumulated depreciation-machinery    
151    租赁资产    leased assets    
1511    租赁资产    leased assets    
1519    累积折旧-租赁资产    accumulated depreciation-leased assets    
152    租赁权益改良    leasehold improvements    
1521    租赁权益改良    leasehold improvements    
1529    累积折旧-租赁权益改良    accumulated depreciation-leasehold improvements    
156    未完工程及预付购置设备款    construction in progress and prepayments for 
1561    未完工程    construction in progress    
1562    预付购置设备款    prepayment for equipment    
158    杂项固定资产    miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment    
1581    杂项固定资产    miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment    
1588    杂项固定资产-重估增值    miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment-
revaluation increments    
1589    累积折旧-杂项固定资产    accumulated depreciation-miscellaneous property, plant, 
and equipment    
16    递耗资产    depletable assets    
161    递耗资产    depletable assets    
1611    天然资源    natural resources    
1618    重估增值-天然资源    natural resources-revaluation increments    
1619    累积折耗-天然资源    accumulated depletion-natural resources    
17    无形资产    intangible assets    
171    商标权    trademarks    
1711    商标权    trademarks    
172    专利权    patents    
1721    专利权    patents    
173    特许权    franchise    
1731    特许权    franchise    
174    著作权    copyright    
1741    著作权    copyright    
175    计算机软件    Computer Software    
1751    计算机软件    computer software cost    
176    商誉    goodwill    
1761    商誉    goodwill    
177    开办费    organization costs    
1771    开办费    organization costs    
178    其它无形资产    other intangibles    
1781    递延退休金成本    deferred pension costs    
1782    租赁权益改良    leasehold improvements    
1788    其它无形资产-其它    other intangible assets-other    
18    其它资产    other assets    
181    递延资产    deferred assets    
1811    债券发行成本    deferred bond issuance costs    
1812    长期预付租金    long-term prepaid rent    
1813    长期预付保险费    long-term prepaid insurance    
1814    递延所得税资产    deferred income tax assets    
1815    预付退休金    prepaid pension cost    
1818    其它递延资产    other deferred assets    
182    闲置资产    idle assets    
1821    闲置资产    idle assets    
184    长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款    long-term notes , accounts and overdue 
1841    长期应收票据    long-term notes receivable    
1842    长期应收帐款    long-term accounts receivable    
1843    催收帐款    overdue receivables    
1847    长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款-关系人    long-term notes, accounts and overdue 
receivables-related parties    
1848    其它长期应收款项    other long-term receivables    
1849    备抵呆帐-长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款    allowance for uncollectible accounts-
long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables    
185    出租资产    assets leased to others    
1851    出租资产    assets leased to others    
1858    出租资产-重估增值    assets leased to others-incremental value from revaluation    
1859    累积折旧-出租资产    accumulated depreciation-assets leased to others    
186    存出保证金    refundable deposit    
1861    存出保证金    refundable deposits    
188    杂项资产    miscellaneous assets   



2. 如何把PDF中的德文内容翻译为中文


3. 德文翻译成中文或者英文,不要机器翻译,急


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4. 求各位帮帮忙,把这些会计科目翻译成英文,谢谢!现金

银行存款 Cash in bank
其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents
应收账款Account receivable
其他应收款Other receivable
材料采购Material purchasing
原材料Raw materials
产成品Finished goods
待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses
固定资产Fixed assets
累计折旧Accumulated depreciation
在建工程Construction in process
短期借款Short term loan
应付账款Accounts payable
应付职工薪酬Salary and welfare payable
应付福利费Welfare payable
应交税金Tax payable
 应缴城建税 Tax for maintaining and building cities payable
  资源税Resources tax payable
  所得税Income tax payable
其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying
    教育费附加 Educational Surcharges
    地方教育费附加 Local educational surcharges
    河道维护费 River maintaince surcharges
预提费用Drawing expense in advance
长期借款Long term loan
实收资本Paid-in capital
资本公积Capital reserves
本年利润Current year profits
利润分配Profit distribution
  未分配利润Undistributed profit
生产成本Cost of manufacture
制造费用Manufacturing overhead
产品销售收入Sales revenue
产品销售成本Cost of goods sold
产品销售费用Sales expenses
产品销售税金及附加Operating tax and additions
  教育费经费Educational Surcharges
  地方教育费附加Local educational surcharges
  城建税Tax for maintaining and building cities
其他业务收入Other operation revenue
其他业务支出Other operation expense
管理费用Administrative expenses
财务费用Financial expenses
营业外收入non-operating income
营业外支出non-operating cost
所得税enterprise income tax
以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment

5. 主要会计科目的英文说法(国际通用)

一、资产类库存现金(Cash on hand)银行存款(Cash in  bank)其他货币资金(Other cash and cash equivalents)存出保证金(Refundable deposits)交易性金融资产(Financial  assets at fair value through profit or loss)应收票据(Note receivable)应收账款(Account receivable )预付账款(Advanced  payment)应收股利(Dividend receivable)应收利息(Interest receivable)其他应收款(Other receivables)坏账准备(Allowance for bad debts)材料采购(Materials purchase)在途物资(Materials in transit)原材料(Raw materials)材料成本差异(Materials cost variance)库存商品(Commodity stocks)发出商品(Goods shipped in transit)商品进销差价(Differences between purchasing and selling price)委托加工物资(Consigned processing material)周转材料(Circulating materials)存货跌价准备(Provisions for decline in inventory)长期应收款(Long-term receivables)固定资产(Plant and equipment)累计折旧(Accumulated depreciation)固定资产减值准备(Provisions for impairment of fixed assets)在建工程(Construction in process)工程物资(Construction materials)固定资产清理(Disposal of fixed assets)无形资产(Intangible assets)累计摊销(Accumulated depletion)无形资产减值准备(Provisions for impairment of intangible assets)商誉(Goodwill)长期待摊费用(Long-term deferred assets)递延所得税资产(Deferred income tax assets)待处理财产损溢(Loss or profit from assets wait to deal)二、负债类短期借款(Short loan)交易性金融负债(Financial  liabilities at fair value through profit or loss)应付票据(Notes  payable)应付账款((Accounts  payable)预收账款(Amounts collected in advance)应付职工薪酬(Accrued employee compensation)应交税费(Tax payable)应付利息(Interest payable)应付股利(Dividend payable)其他应付款(Other  payables)长期借款(Long-term loan)应付债券(Long-term bonds)长期应付款(Long term payable)未确认融资费用(Unrecognized  finance cost )专项应付款(Specific  payable)预计负债(Accrued liabilities)递延所得税负债(Deferred income tax liabilities)三、所有者权益类实收资本(Paid-in capital)资本公积(Capital reserve)盈余公积(Surplus  reserves)本年利润(Current year profits)利润分配(Profit distribution)四、成本类生产成本(Manufacturing cost)制造费用(Manufacturing overhead)劳务成本(Service cost)研发支出(R&D expenditures)工程施工(Engineering construction)五、损益类主营业务收入(Prime operating revenue)其他业务收入(Other operating revenue)公允价值变动损益(Profit or loss on fair value)营业外收入(Unrelated business income)主营业务成本(Cost of goods sold)其他业务成本(Other business expense)营业税金及附加(Operating tax and associate charge)销售费用(Marketing expenses)管理费用(Administrative  expenses)财务费用(Financial expenses)资产减值损失(Asset impairment loss)营业外支出(Losses)所得税费用(Income tax expense)以前年度损益调整(Prior-period profit or loss adjustment)


6. 有没有把手机英文游戏 翻译成中文的软件 谢谢 急用

方法一:Babylon 是一款来自以色列相当优秀的多国语言免费翻译软件,全球领先的字典及翻译软件Babylon还推出了中文版,并提供免费下载。支持的互译语言有:中文、英文、西班牙文、日文、德文、法文、俄文、意大利文、葡萄牙文、荷兰文、希伯来文等,使用者只要用鼠标右键点选任何英文字或词,就能找出字义、同义字以及进一步了解该字词的相关词语,同时也支持文本翻译。  
方法二:在 Android平台下,程序文件的后缀名为“.APK”,APK是Android Package的缩写,意思是Android 安装包,是类似WM系统“.CAB” 和Symbian系统“.SIS”的文件格 式。APK程序文件可以用 WinRAR之类的解压缩软件解压,我们只需要将其中的 resources.arsc文件解压出来,用 汉化工具将.arsc文件内的英文资 源翻译为中文,修改包含英文 的图片,再替换原 文件,最后 将APK文件重新签名即可。工具/原料1.Java 2.解压缩软件:WinRAR3.汉化工具:AndroidResEdit(需 要.NET Framework 2.0支持)4.图片汉化软件:Photoshop5.签名程序:Auto-sign步骤/方法:1 : A.解压在News and Weather软件的 安装文件GenieWidget.apk上点击右键,在快捷菜单的打开方式中选择“WinRAR”打开APK文件,将其中的 resources.arsc文件解压出来。
B.汉化 . 文字汉化 运行AndroidResEdit软件, 打开之前解压出来的resources.arsc文件。软件会在原始资源栏中列出所有英文词条,在某一词条上双 击,在弹出的对话框中输入翻译后的内容,确定后即可完成该词条的汉化(E文不好的朋友可以使用Google在线翻译或者借助词典软件进行翻译)。依次将所 有词条翻译汉化后,点击文件菜单中的保存文件即可。一般情况下我们只需要翻译以大写字母开头的词条,也有小部分是以小写字母开头的,这些需要我们自己来判 断。带下划线的软件参数、目录名称、文件名称不需要修改,像%s%、d%这类格式化输出的参数也不用做修改,照抄过来就可以了,输入时注意是半角小写字 符,否则会出错。如果需要翻译的词条过多,逐 条翻译比较麻烦,An[和谐]droidResEdit软件还提供了字典导入/导出功能。点击文件→导 出字典→大写字母开头词条,将所有大写字母开头的词条导出为.txt文本文件。然后打开导出的TXT文本文件,在自动生成的“|”竖线后输入汉化内容,全 部完成后保存。最后在AndroidResEdit软件中选择导入字典功能,导入翻译好的TXT文件就可以了。
2:图片汉化 某些软件中会有包含英文的按 钮图片,我们只需找到对应图片,利用Photoshop等绘图软件,制作成中文按钮图片就OK了。一般来说,软件的所有图片素 材都在APK文件内的\\res\\drawable目录中,图片格式为PNG。除了汉化图片外,我们还可以替换该目录中的图标素材,达到美化软件的目的。3:签名APK文件汉化完成之后,需要 重新签名才可以安装使用。在签名之前,先删除原来的签名文件,用WinRAR打开APK文件,将META-INF文件夹中除 MANIFEST.MF以外的两个文件删除,然后关闭WinRAR软件。打开An[和谐]droidResEdit软件,选择 签名菜单中的“签名APK文件”功能,指定要签名的APK文件的位置,点击立 即签名按钮,再指定新签名的APK文件保存位置,提示签名完成就大功告成了。接下来就可以在手机上安装测试了,在使用过程中发现未汉化或者汉化错误的问 题,可以按上述步骤进行修正。4:替换汉化文件及图片 resources.arsc文件和图片汉 化完成之后,再次用WinRAR打开原APK安装文件,将 resources.arsc文件拖入WinRAR工作窗口,替换原文件。用同样的方法,将处理好的图片,拖入\\res\\drawable目录中,替换原图片

7. 德文和英文的区别




8. 这是德文还是英文,求翻译 baby wundschutz creme


德文“baby  Wundschutz creme ”翻译为中文释意为“婴儿护臂霜”
