高手进来帮忙翻译些英语 在线等...

2024-05-19 09:11

1. 高手进来帮忙翻译些英语 在线等...


高手进来帮忙翻译些英语 在线等...

2. 求英语翻译高手,英文译成中文,不要翻译器!

Mary and Cindy,university researchers,shared the story of“
Queen Arithma’s Party”in a first grade classroom.These first graders had worked on place value through their morning calendar routine. Prior to our visit we spoke with the teacher about the children’s knowledge of place value. She explained that the children had been introduced to ones and tens, but did not have much experience with the hundreds place and suggested that the majority of the students were still in the developing stage in their understanding of place value.
Upon our arrival, the first graders were invited to the carpet, a common place for story time. Mary sat in the rocker and explained to the children she wanted to tell them the story of Queen Arithma.
While Mary told the story the children appeared to listen intently as they maintained eye contact with her and sat very still. Several times through the telling of the story a student would ask a question. For example, one student raised her hand and asked what an invitation was. A few times children smiled and laughed in response to the story.
After the tale was told we asked the children to make personal connections (Keene&Zimmerman,1997) to the story. One student shared with the class a time when she went to a party and discussed the fact that many people were invited. We then reviewed what Queen Arithma’s problem was and how she solved the dilemma. The students were asked to go back to their tables and were given directions for their sorting activity. Practicing the skill of sorting is important for young children. Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, and Suydam (2004)state that “the most important purpose of this practice…is that it shows children how an unknown quantity can be organized into a form that can be interpreted by inspection”(p.171).
讲完故事后,我们让孩子们把自己的一些事情跟故事联系起来。一个学生给全班讲一次她去了一个宴会,还讨论了许多人都被邀请的事实。然后我们又回顾了王后Arithma的难题是什么,她是怎么处理的。然后让学生回到自己的座位,告诉他们怎么来做排序。对于小孩来说,训练排序的技能很重要。Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, and Suydam 说过“这项练习最重要的目的…是它让孩子看到未知量是如何通过检验被组成一个可以解释的排列的”(171页)
Each table was asked to work as a team to sort a stack of “invitations”(envelopes) into ones, tens and hundreds and tie them with the appropriate coloured ribbon just as the characters in the story did. The class reviewed which colour ribbon was used for the ones, the tens and the hundreds in the story, and this reminder was written on the board. Each group was provided a basket containing approximately 100–125 envelopes and more than enough coloured ribbon to bundle the envelopes accordingly.  
Students began working at their tables counting and sorting the invitations. One table divided up their tasks and had each group member individually count invitations. They encountered a problem when one person counted by tens, one person counted by ones, and another tried to count by hundreds. They soon realised that their original plan would not work. Mary asked the group, “Why do you think your plan isn’t working?”
With a puzzled look, one child asked, “Is it because we’re all counting 
at once?”
Mary then asked, “How did Queen Arithma and Gwendolyn count their invitations?”
玛丽又问:“王后Arithma and Gwendolyn是怎么数他们的邀请函的?”
After a pause, the child said, “Oh,they worked together and counted by tens.”
With assistance from Mary, the group reorganised their plan and completed the task appropriately. Several other students raised their hands and asked questions. For example, Jared’s group began counting out the bundles of tens, and tied the blue ribbon around ten bundles to represent a hundred. Afterward, they began counting the remainder of the envelopes and put them into bundles of tens.
At this point Jared looked up and asked,“I don’t get it, what do we do with the ones?”
Cindy suggested that the group keep working and she stated to Jared and his group, “Keep going and you’ll see what happens.” She sat with the group and watched them count the remainder of the envelopes into tens.

Carley counted the last of the envelopes and said to her group,“Uh-oh,we only have seven.”
The children all looked over at Cindy and then Jared shouted,“Oh!I know,those are the ones!”

3. 求专业英文翻译高手!英文译成中文,不要翻译器翻译,高分献上,谢谢!

young students often struggle with abstract concepts in mathematics,causing primary teachers to continue to search for ways to help teach such concepts

.Principles and Standards for School Mathematics(NCTM,2000)recommends using concrete models and physical materials before moving on to more abstract ideas
However,some children still have difficulties understanding concepts even with the help of manipulatives.
How can teachers supplement the use of manipulatives to help boost children’s understanding in mathematics? 

Zemelman,Daniels,and Hyde(1998)recommend that students discuss,write,read,and listen to mathematical ideas in order to deepen their understanding of difficult concepts.
Zemelman,Daniels,and Hyde这三个人在1998年曾经指出学生应该从听、读、写以及讨论等方面对数学理念进行学习,从而深化他们对比较困难的数学概念的理解。
Using storytelling as a catalyst to mathematics instruction is one enjoyable and versatile method to do just this.



4. 英语高手帮忙翻译一下,希望不要用翻译器

你不可能想象在justin beiber 身上有一颗年长的心。 可是只要你听一听这位15岁少年精彩的灵魂演唱, 你会意识到他远远走在那些和他相仿年纪的被包装出来的流行歌手的前面。 2007年Justin在YouTube上发布了几十个自制的剪辑,都是多才多艺的他对Usher, Ne-Yo, Stevie Wonder的歌曲的无暇的重新演绎, 而且仅凭着人们私下相互的推荐就为他攒出了一百多万的点击。这个加拿大人说(他是独生子,在Ontario省Stratford市长大的): "我三年前开始唱歌的。 我参加了一个叫stratford偶像的当地的唱歌选秀。其它参赛选手都上过声乐课有声乐教练。而我那时也没把唱歌太当回事儿,只是在家里随便唱唱。 我只有12岁可我得了亚军."  为了跟他的亲密圈子分享他的胜利, 他开始把他演出的片断贴到网上。 他说, "我把参加比赛的录像贴到网上好让我的朋友和家人都能看到. 可是别的人也喜欢上了而且开始跟踪我的视频。 我的经纪人就是这么发现我的。 他在YOUTUBE上看到我了, 联系上我家人, 然后就跟我签了合同。“ 在他把视频传到网上七个月以后, 前任 So So Def 市场总监Scooter Braun 邀请这个13岁的孩子飞到乔治亚州亚特兰大市去和其它高管们见面。 即使只凭Justin天生的唱歌天赋打动不了Scooter的那个小圈子, Scooter心里有数, Justin还是一个自学成才的鼓, 钢琴, 吉他和小号演奏家。 Bieber回忆起来说 ”我们一飞到亚特兰大, Scooter就把我们带到录音棚, 正好在停车场看到Usher。那是我第一次出加拿大。 我就走上前跟他说: Hi, Usher. 我喜欢你的歌,你听我唱唱怎么样', 他说,小孩儿, 别。进屋吧。 外边儿太冷。” 可后来Usher就在网上看了一会儿, 就意识到他找到了一个未来的巨星。 Bieber说: 一个星期以后, 他们又把我飞到亚特兰大。 我给他和他的团队唱了个, 他们想当场就跟我签下合同。 可是那时Justin Timberland 也想跟我签合同, 我想等到跟那边见完。 结果Usher提的条件要好多了。 他有LA Reid做他的后盾, 而且Scooter 的人脉很广, 人也相当聪明。 我现在经常打趣Usher说, 提醒他我们第一次见面的时候他太不担待我了。Justin在2008年正式加盟了Usher和 Scooter的RBMG & Island 唱片共同投资的一个公司。 

我并没像有些人那样拥有过许多东西。 我觉得这样让我成长的更坚强帮我塑造了我的性格。 现在我的学分平均4.0, 我想上大学,成长成一个更好的人。 JUstin Bieber与生俱来的艺术家天赋还基本没怎么被开发, 他一定在将来很长一段时间都会是音乐界的一个顶梁柱。 ”我觉得年纪大些的人会喜欢我的音乐, 因为我唱的歌是用心唱的, 而且不哗众取宠。我觉得我可以成长为一名艺术家, 我的歌迷们会跟我一起成长。” 想想看, 他才刚刚起步。

5. 求高手英语翻译,不要网上的在线翻译!!急!

(a) cocoon baking equipment: have ChaiZao, coal stove, machine, according to the hot stove etc transmission can be divided into different direct and indirect heating stove hot stove. Main type except some stoves outside have the following 3 kinds of: (1) aluminum tube fan car (2) make kitchen wall cooling fan (3) car kitchen wall cooling fan out without cars. Here is the wood and coal by indirect heating stove the cocoon equipment.
(2) the cocoon purpose: high, killing and maggot silkworm cocoon son to the proper baking, avoid to store water supply, mouldy mill perennial production. At the same time, can make the proper outer wearing characteristics, in order to improve the degeneration of silk studs.
(3) the cocoon requirements: high-quality, low consumption, safe, fast. To prevent steam temperature is appropriate, mildew, and achieves the cocoon is reasonable, the platoon is wet, prevent partial evenness fitness and old.
(4) : have the cocoon of dry (a drying) and dry (or three), the general method of drying with secondary drying dry cocoons.
Straight into the kitchen, fresh and dry cocoon baking time into dry cocoons. This hot economy, in the province. But because do not turn the cocoon, caused by dry heat unevenness, influence of cocoon quality, so less.
Secondary drying: fresh cocoon baking oven into six into a dry or kitchen head (i.e., baked rate) about 60% ~ 65%, also called semi-dry cocoons. Semi-dry cocoon certain time, the stove piled up 3 ~ 4 days, with the appropriate also sex after baking oven and optimum dry (i.e., fitness) cocoon baking rate for dry 38% to 43 per cent. This equipment utilization, dry degree, but easy injury cocoon shell.


6. 急求英语翻译!不要用翻译器翻译的!


7. 求英语翻译! 不要电脑的那种在线翻译!要自己翻译的,谢谢! 有追加分!

本文比较如何在英国和美国食品零售行业都面临可持续发展的挑战。英国和美国的行业都在不同成熟阶段的识别和应对可持续性。一些英国零售商已开始发展基础广泛的问责制度,可以帮助他们看到在其业务经营的可持续性。通过检查零售商在做什么,如何问责制度可以告知问责零售商和商业案例,本文认为,零售商能够获得巨大的商业和战略优势,改进问责制。与他们的美国同行相比,英国的零售商可能能够更好地应付未来的可持续性问题。版权所有? 2005约翰Wiley&Sons出版公司和ERP环境。 

研究道德消费都集中在试图要么分类伦理消费者或发现其决策过程,但到迄今为止,已投入背后的决策过程中的关键少数司机的道德调查。本研究试图确定一项对通过在伦理消费者杂志放置了一个问卷分布式自称消费者的调查手段的道德在其特定产品组这些伦理的驱动程序。研究结果表明,环境问题是排名高于人权和动物权益/福利的伦理问题和消费者团体认为该产品有不同的重要性,从食品产品组不等,是最强烈的伦理问题有关,到' '布朗商品组(如音响,电视电品),这证明是最不相关的这些问题。每个组的一个司机的道德伦理审查表明,消费者认为在其基础上的道德属性捆绑每个产品在每个组不同的伦理问题放置在购买决策的重要性水平。版权所有? 2005约翰Wiley&Sons出版公司和ERP环境。

求英语翻译! 不要电脑的那种在线翻译!要自己翻译的,谢谢! 有追加分!

8. 请帮忙翻译成英文~~~不要直接用翻译工具~~~~急急急~~~~翻译的好的加分酬谢~~~

2, the differences between Chinese and western diet object

Westerners believe that food is to appease hunger, so only eat of meat, While Chinese cuisine is "taste". So the Chinese cooking, with makings also show great arbitrariness: many westerners as the outcast things in China are extremely good materials, foreign cook cannot handle things, to a Chinese chef hands, it can be changed decayed for magical. It serves to show the Chinese diet in materials and randomness of the rich.
Western than China to pay more attention to nutrition reasonable collocation, have relatively developed food industry, such as cans, fast food, although taste machine-made, but save time and good nutrition. Therefore their country's human body is generally Chinese robust: tall, long legs, broad shoulders and developed muscle ?
3, Chinese and western dietary patterns, tableware and etiquette difference

Chinese and western diet is very different ways, and the difference of national character may also be affected. In China, any banquets, whatever the purpose, will only have a kind of form that is what everyone round and round round, sharing a meal; Banquet with round, it from formally has created a unity, polite, altogether fun atmosphere. Embodies the mutual respect, the struggle to virtue. In tableware, differences are very obvious. As is known to all, Chinese use chopsticks, spoon, eat a bowl filled; While the westerners? And is food, use a knife and fork dish is cut namely eat, drink soup there are specialized spoon. Chopsticks with knife and fork as the most representative east and west of the two kinds of tableware?