
2024-05-29 21:25

1. 帮忙翻译会计论文摘要,急!重要!谢谢!

With the development of economy and improvement of technical conditions, asset impairment play a role in the structure of the economy is more and more obvious. In February 2006, the ministry of finance issued "accounting standards for enterprises", the rule of no. 8 "asset impairment of fixed assets, intangible assets and other assets impairment except special provisions for the processing of special specifications. However, the weakness of the capital market effectively, and the legal system is not perfect, lack of business ethics regulation, the structure of corporate governance is the phenomenon such as directly or indirectly caused the enterprise management to protect the listed "shell" resources or in order to achieve the established profit motives, such as the proper use of "fair value" to manipulate the profits, violate the spirit of the new guidelines expectations, has restricted the overall development of the enterprise. In order to make the enterprise with the continuous development of China's asset impairment to perfect the asset impairment confirmation standard, improve their own quality, improve the external environment, this paper will study of asset impairment in China. Analysis according to the characteristics of the enterprise itself, the practical significance of the asset impairment system in our country, and the current asset impairment to study the current situation and existing problems, and further put forward the optimization measures of perfecting our country's system of assets impairment, and put forward new countermeasures to our country enterprise asset impairment accounting. Based on the analysis of the current situation of asset impairment in our country under the new accounting standards, defects, and put forward the optimizing measures have their own point of view, and have certain forward-looking, at the same time, for our country enterprise asset impairment accounting work provide certain reference.
Key words: asset impairment; The new accounting standards; The status quo; Measures countermeasures


2. 求财会类英语高手!翻译一下论文摘要

Management buy-outs (Management Buy outs, MBO) is a leveraged buy-out (Leverage Buyouts, LBO). Because of the management buy-out in stimulating internal personnel enthusiasm, reduce agency cost, improve enterprise management has played a positive role, since the late 1970 s in the mature capital market of western developed countries are widely used. The phenomenon is by the British economist Mike Wright (Mike Wright) discovered in 1980 and for more specification defines, it has been more than 30 years. MBO is not accidental, it with the wave of mergers and acquisitions the gains of the stock market and the company has a very close relationship. This article mainly about the meaning of management buy-out, introduces the meaning, characteristics and motivation, and to the enterprise financial problems in implementing MBO are studied and countermeasures are put forward.

3. 哪位英文达人帮忙翻译下 论文摘要 会计类!!! 不要在线翻译~~ 一经应用追加得分

摘 要:随着市场经济的发展,企业内外环境不断变化,现代企业所面临的市场竞争的不确定性越来越多,企业处于高风险的经营环境之中。 
Abstract:: with the development of market economy, the enterprises are faced with an ever- changing internal and external environment. The uncertainty of the market challenges the modern enterprises, who operate in an increasingly risky business environment. 

Risk has become the important facto that influences the enterprises realizing their goals. Thus  internal control and external supervision cliam more and more importance. 

Internal control is the enterprises'  self-discipline that modern firms strengthen their management, avoid the potential risks. It is closely associated to the external supervision implemented by the related authorities. Internal control and external supervision arese from the same situation, but have essential distinctions in between. 

By discussion on the relationships of both, the business managers can  grasp the internal control connotation and the characteristics more accurately, and clearly acknowledge the significance of external supervision has for establishing and improvign the internal control strategy. 

关键词:内部控制 外部监管 
Keywords: internal control,  external supervision

哪位英文达人帮忙翻译下 论文摘要 会计类!!! 不要在线翻译~~ 一经应用追加得分

4. 急!!跪求论文内容摘要英文翻译,各位高手帮帮忙,不要在线翻译。谢谢了!!

Objective: To implement network sharing of caring adverse events, and create an environment with safety culture to ensure patient safety.
Methods: In the reported hospital adverse events in nursing, selecting cases to release to the care and safety management sharing platform for the nurses to discuss and share. After the implementation of the results of 2014 adverse events in hospital care network sharing, participation share numbers and the number of speakers were 5.1 times and 25 times increasing in 2013.
Conclusion: The implementation of adverse events in hospital care network sharing, the nurses have the opportunity to participate in the cases sharing to share the high school from case to more security knowledge to create an environment with good and safety culture, to protect patients' safety, which has played a positive effect.

5. 求英语大神!·帮忙翻译论文摘要!有悬赏哦~

Current situation and resolvement of job hunting among female college graduates in China
Abstract: Many social factors influent the whole job hunting situation of college students in China, including the additional enrollment of universities and the economy environment of the job market. The female college graduates, the representors of the excellent women, are facing a grimer employment condition in China as a result of social and individual reasons. It has become a very important problem for society and economic development. In this assay, we analysed the current employment condition and obstacles and provided the resolvement for the female college graduates.
Key words: Current social environment, Chinese female graduates, employment situation, resolvement


6. 请会计英语高手帮我翻译一段论文摘要 谢谢 中译英

  Accounting information reflects the financial situation ,economic performance,cash flow and the fulfillment of entrusted management obligation in enterprises. It is the language for enterprises to make financial decisions and also the international agreed bussniss language,for which the information users demand with the quality characteristics including reliability,comparability,relativity and timeliness. However,the fact is that the current disclosed accounting information can not meet these requirements. In the aspects of  reliability and relativity, the disclosure of accounting information has huge defects.  The main reason is the separation of  management right and ownership and also the far distance for some middle and small stockholders. Therefore, if managers sometimes make the disclosure of accounting information unreliable,imperfect or even unture for their own hands. Based on the current situation of the disclosure of accounting information, this article conducts a further analysis of the problem in the current situation of the disclosure of accounting information in our country and will give solution and suggestion about how to improve the disclosure.

7. 求英语达人!!帮忙翻译论文摘要,汉译英,谢谢了!!

This year the investment real estate has become highly favored investment of enterprises.

State of liquidating land value-added tax also makes real estate enterprises to comprehensive estate business transformation.

Enterprises more emphasis on investment real estate accounting.

In the western countries enterprise, real estate as an investment tool, is already very common economic phenomenon.

And this kind of investment behavior in China gradually popular in some enterprises, even some enterprises become new economic point of growth.

In order to adapt to China's economic development trend, in the spirit of convergence with international accounting practices, China's Ministry of Finance released in February 15, 2006 third guidelines" investment property".

Standards for the first time the investment real estate as a separate asset confirmation, and for the first time on the assets in the introduction of fair value measurement.

However, in practical application, the enterprise still needs to solve many real estate investment confirmation and measurement of related technical problems.

This article through the analysis of the real estate investment, the fair value measurement of the relevant knowledge, background, understand the situation and the related measurement model for analysis, to determine which of the existing problems and solutions.

  如果没有 就请采纳吧。。


8. 急!论文摘要英文翻译,求高手帮忙。急!

 急!论文摘要英文翻译,求高手帮忙。急!  In recent years, the Inter has been sharply increased. During this process, the improvement of technology makes the Inter more aessible. However when we enjoy the advantages the Inter brought us, the security of it is also threatened. The security of Inter has bee a huge potential problem, which should be paid more attention.  Key words: Inter Security Technology  自己译的,采纳呵。。。
  《我的叔叔于勒》600字左右的续写 急  正当两个女儿津津有味地吃著牡蛎时,父亲望见在甲板上站着一个穿着讲究,气派不凡的中年男子在欣赏大海的风景。不知是羡慕还是想奉承,父亲显然忘了自己的身份,竟走过去想他搭话。  就在父亲望见那人的脸的刹那间,几乎是惊呆了……父亲急切地上下端详着他上十遍,才吐出一句惊喜的话:“于勒弟弟,真的是……你……吗?”那人听到喊声,转过头来,看了父亲一眼,马出万分惊讶而又激动地说道:“是我,是我,哥哥!我真的是于勒啊!”站在远处生气的母亲,似乎也看到了这一幕,明白了这一切,飞也似地狂跑到于勒叔叔面前道:“于勒啊,你总算回来了。你知道吗,当初把你送走后,我们是感到多么自责、后悔啊!我们是多么希望你能平安回来与我们团聚在一块过日子啊……”“我知道,我也希望如此。但……”于勒叔叔闻言,十分欣喜,他神色迟疑了一下,脸色忽然悲伤起来:“我倒了大霉!”“什么事?”我的父母齐声而出。“我在南美做了笔大生意,结果全部落空,破产了,连这身衣服也是向船长讨的,他可是个好心人。所以……”“够了,”母亲像变了个人似的怒吼道,“我就知道你不可能有什么出息,现在在外破产了还想来吃我们,你把我们拖累得还不够吗?你走,永远不要再回来!我一刻也不想再见到你。”  一旁的父亲沮丧的脸上露出了沮丧的神情,说:“弟弟,你已经使我无法摆脱贫困,现在我们真养不起你了,你还是自己谋 求生路去吧!”  于勒叔叔站在那里,突然放声大笑,脸上露出鄙夷的神色:“虚伪,全是虚伪,什么团聚在一起,什么平安过日子,全部是虚伪。我可以告诉你们,我是发大财了,现有几千万财产。我本想这次旅游完后和你们快乐地过后半生,想不到你们这样对我!本来打算分一半家产给你们,现在看来这是不必要了。看!那是我的宝贝女儿,我的全部家产将由她继承了。”于勒叔叔勒边说边指著一个身着华丽的姑娘,“至于我欠你的,我马上给你!”于勒叔叔从怀中掏出一沓钱,塞在父亲手中,然后唤了他女儿到了另一个角落里去了。等到了哲尔塞,他们乘了一艘驶向美洲的豪华客船走了。  父亲只是痴痴地望着他所坐的客船,直至消失在天边。母亲靠在父亲的身边,垂头丧气……  在船上,我们散步的时候,看见一位富翁,他穿得很好,父亲想和他交朋友,说不定晚餐就他请了,当父亲靠近富翁的时候紧张的神色一下子放松了,他眉开眼笑的,向丰收的农民,只见父亲兴冲冲地向我们跑来,说:“这富翁很眼熟,怎么这么想与勒?”母亲露出惊讶的表情:“那富翁就是那流氓哦不就是那于勒弟弟?”母亲将信将疑地问著。错不了就是他,没想到他真的发达了。  父母急忙跑过去叫了一声于勒,只见那富翁四处张望,不用迟疑了,那就是我的叔叔于勒。富翁满脸惊讶,说:“请问你们两位是?你们认识我吗?” :“我是你哥哥菲利普,难道你不认识我了吗?”父亲激动地回答道。富翁气愤地说:“我自己都不知道现在哥哥在哪里了?你怎么可能是我的哥哥?最近冒充我哥哥的人有很多,都是为了我的百万家产而来的,我怎么知道你真的是我的哥哥呢?你有什么证据吗?”只见父亲无奈的摇了摇头,富翁的保安站了出来说:“再不走我可要打110了!”这时母亲随口说了一句:“我早就知道这个小赤佬是不会对我们好的!”正当我们要离开的时候,富翁叫道:“请等等,你们肯定是我的亲人了,因为以前我的嫂子就是这么骂我的!”只见父亲冲上去抱住了于勒,两个人顿时泪流满面。只见于勒叔叔拿出一叠钱说:“这是你借我的钱,利息也全都在这里了,这可比存在银行里实惠的多了!以后我们谁也不欠谁了。”就像我们当初赶走于勒一样,于勒也无情的把我们给轰走了。那时我们也富了一小会儿,但不久因为我们好吃懒做,不节省,钱又花光了,又回到了以前窘迫艰苦的生活了。
  华山今天天气怎么样?想去爬山!急!  周一 08月03日 农历六月十九 (实时:28℃)
  33 ~ 21 ℃ 
  24 ~ 19℃
  25 ~ 20℃
  28 ~ 20℃
  30 ~ 21℃
   42  36  30  24  18   28°C35°C35°C33°C28°C26°C25°C24°C23°C
   现在  14点  17点  20点  23点  02点  05点  08点  11点    8  6  4  2  0   风向:西北风
   现在  14点  17点  20点  23点  02点  05点  08点  11点    现在 0mm  14点 0mm  17点 0.9mm  20点 4.7mm  23点 4.2mm  02点 8.3mm  05点 3.6mm  08点 0.2mm  11点 1.5mm   
  六里桥附近都有哪些小区???急!  在“六里桥”附近  华凯花园  地址:丰台六里桥与京石高速交汇处  小区详情 小区配套 周边实景  262米水墨林溪  地址:北京市西三环南路乙6号银河大厦6A2  203米太西里社群  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥附近  202米六里桥北里3号院  地址:六里桥北里3号院  小区详情 小区配套 周边实景  238米六里桥3号院  地址:六里桥北里 八一电影制片厂后侧  167米六里桥北里2号  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥北里2号  292米太平桥西里20号  地址:北京市丰台区西三环南路64号  241米太平桥西里21号楼  地址:北京丰台区太平桥路,太平桥西里小区内  342米六里桥南里  地址:六里桥桥南200米三环内  354米水口子村51号院  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥水口子村51号院  472米太平里小区  地址:宣武区马连道南街,与北京西站南路路口以东  333米汇栋  地址:北京市丰台区广安路附近  电话:(010)85243458  423米华源一里5号  地址:北京市丰台区华源一里5号  591米太平桥西里小区  地址:马连道南街西三环南路71号  461米华源一里6号  地址:北京市丰台区华源一里6号  469米六里桥西里  地址:丰台六里桥西  392米太平桥西里39号  地址:北京市丰台区太平桥西里39号  500米六里桥7号院5号  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥7号院5号  434米太平桥西里38号  地址:北京市丰台区太平桥西里38号  513米六里桥6号  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥6号  441米六里桥北里甲1号院28号  地址:北京市丰台区六里桥北里甲1号院28号  448米太平桥西里46号  地址:北京市丰台区太平桥西里46号
  好听的伤感歌曲有那些?20首以上!急...。。  你找许嵩的歌吧,他的歌都很伤感,可是很好听。叹服,灰色头像,认错,单人旅途,庐州月,断桥残雪
  高碑店教育网怎么上传文件,图解!急!  你去高碑店一中教师群去问
  怎样做英语完形填空和阅读理解。 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  阅读理解先看问题,然后从文中找答案。英语完形填空要背片语,和一些基本的语法问题,当然这两项里面都有生词,不过看见生词别害怕,要根据上下文来猜这个词是什么意思,太难的词会给你注释的。加油吧!
  我家供的二爷,到底应该怎么摆放(急)  坐西向东就是把二爷放在你房子里西的位置上,面朝东,从五行上说,西属金,五行火克金,家居有得时和得地两种讲究,分别分为旺、相、休、囚、死五种状态,放在西,五行相克,弱火强金是五种状态中很差的囚。所在不能放在西。从你的家中布局来看,可以放在正东,放正东相生是相很不错。  你说的二爷的凤眼受光照??这个在风水里没什么讲究啊。  坐东朝西也没什么问题啊。
  急···有一首歌不知道叫什么 {楚儿 痛}···急  歌曲:最后一次  演唱:薛晓枫  秋天的落叶最后一次安然飘落  你说要陪着我一起走到最后  冬天里的眼泪在孤单流浪  你说过会融化我心中所有的痛  我问你有一天我们都将老去  谁来做留下来的那一个  你傻傻的说要让我先离去  因为走开的人会少些回忆的心碎  如果知道那时最后一次 你怎么会放开我的手  如果知道那是最后一次 我怎么会笑着说再见  我问你有一天我们都将老去  谁来做留下来的那一个  你傻傻的说要让我先离去  因为走开的人会少些回忆的心碎  如果知道那时最后一次 你怎么会放开我的手  如果知道那是最后一次 我怎么会笑着说再见  我问你有一天我们都将老去  谁来做留下来的那一个  你傻傻的说要让我先离去  因为走开的人会少些回忆的心碎
  急~~~~有关有了报道证然后违约的情况  办理一个改派手续就可以  当然是还要和新单位重新签订协议  报到证当然要改派 单位名字都变了  不用 主要是要应届毕业生的单位才需要改派  你就是回学校办理相关手续就可以