short sell的英文解释(金融方面)

2024-05-23 21:54

1. short sell的英文解释(金融方面)


short sell的英文解释(金融方面)

2. payoff for long and short forward positions at delivery怎么翻译?


3. 求一些关于经济的英语专业术语


1、General terms 一般术语

economist 经济学家
socialist economy 社会主义经济
capitalist economy 资本主义经济
collective economy 集体经济
planned economy 计划经济
controlled economy 管制经济
rural economics 农村经济
liberal economy 自由经济
mixed economy 混合经济
political economy 政治经济学
protectionism 保护主义
autarchy 闭关自守
primary sector 初级成分
private sector 私营成分,私营部门
public sector 公共部门,公共成分
economic channels 经济渠道
economic balance 经济平衡
economic fluctuation 经济波动
economic depression 经济衰退
economic stability 经济稳定
economic policy 经济政策
economic recovery 经济复原
understanding 约定
concentration 集中
holding company 控股公司
trust 托拉斯
cartel 卡特尔
rate of growth 增长
economic trend 经济趋势
economic situation 经济形势
infrastructure 基本建设
standard of living 生活标准,生活水平
purchasing power, buying power 购买力
scarcity 短缺
stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气
underdevelopment 不发达
underdeveloped 不发达的
developing 发展中的

2、Capital 资本

initial capital 创办资本
frozen capital 冻结资金
frozen assets 冻结资产
fixed assets 固定资产
real estate 不动产,房地产
circulating capital, working capital 流动资本
available capital 可用资产
capital goods 资本货物
reserve 准备金,储备金
calling up of capital 催缴资本
allocation of funds 资金分配
contribution of funds 资金捐献
working capital fund 周转基金
revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金
contingency fund 意外开支,准备金
reserve fund 准备金
buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金
sinking fund 偿债基金
investment 投资,资产
investor 投资人
self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给
bank 银行
current account 经常帐户 (美作:checking account)
current-account holder 支票帐户 (美作:checking-account holder)
cheque 支票 (美作:check)
bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票
crossed cheque 划线支票
traveller's cheque 旅行支票
chequebook 支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook)
endorsement 背书
transfer 转让,转帐,过户
money 货币
issue 发行
ready money 现钱
cash 现金
ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠
change 零钱
banknote, note 钞票,纸币 (美作:bill)
to pay (in) cash 付现金
domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币
convertibility 可兑换性
convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币
exchange rate 汇率,兑换率
foreign exchange 外汇
floating exchange rate 浮动汇率
free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场
foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券
hard currency 硬通货
speculation 投机
saving 储装,存款
depreciation 减价,贬值
devaluation (货币)贬值
revaluation 重估价
runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀
deflation 通货紧缩
capital flight 资本外逃
securities business 证券市场
stock exchange 股票市场
stock exchange corporation 证券交易所
stock exchange 证券交易所,股票交易所
quotation 报价,牌价
share 股份,股票
shareholder, stockholder 股票持有人,股东
dividend 股息,红利
cash dividend 现金配股
stock investment 股票投资
investment trust 投资信托
stock-jobber 股票经纪人
stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司
securities 有价证券
share, common stock 普通股
preference stock 优先股
income gain 股利收入
issue 发行股票
par value 股面价格, 票面价格
bull 买手, 多头
bear 卖手, 空头
assigned 过户
opening price 开盘
closing price 收盘
hard times 低潮
business recession 景气衰退
doldrums 景气停滞
dull 盘整
ease 松弛
raising limit 涨停板
break 暴跌
bond, debenture 债券
Wall Street 华尔街

3、Credit 信贷

short term loan 短期贷款
long term loan 长期贷款
medium term loan 中期贷款
lender 债权人
creditor 债权人
debtor 债务人,借方
borrower 借方,借款人
borrowing 借款
interest 利息
rate of interest 利率
discount 贴现,折扣
rediscount 再贴现
annuity 年金
maturity 到期日,偿还日
amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付
redemption 偿还
insurance 保险
mortgage 抵押
allotment 拨款
short term credit 短期信贷
consolidated debt 合并债务
funded debt 固定债务,长期债务
floating debt 流动债务
drawing 提款,提存
aid 援助
allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

4、Pruduction 生产

output 产出,产量
producer 生产者,制造者
productive, producing 生产的
products, goods 产品
consumer goods 消费品
article 物品,商品
manufactured goods, finished goods 制成品,产成品
raw product 初级产品
semifinished goods 半成品
by-product 副产品
foodstuffs 食品
raw material 原料
supply 供应,补给
input 投入
productivity 生产率
productiveness 赢利性
overproduction 生产过剩

5、Expenses 耗费

cost 成本,费用
expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出
fixed costs 固定成本
overhead costs 营业间接成本
overheads 杂项开支,间接成本
operating costs 生产费用,营业成本
operating expenses 营业费用
running expenses 日常费用,经营费用
miscellaneous costs 杂项费用
overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用
upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用
transport costs 运输费用
social charges 社会负担费用
contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用
apportionment of expenses 分摊费用

6、Profit 利润

income 收入,收益
earnings 利润,收益
gross income, gross earnings 总收入,总收益
gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额
net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额
average income 平均收入
national income 国民收入
profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率
yield 产量收益,收益率
increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值

7、taxes 税

duty 税
taxation system 税制
taxation 征税,纳税
fiscal charges 财务税收
progressive taxation 累进税制
graduated tax 累进税
value added tax 增值税
income tax 所得税
land tax 地租,地价税
excise tax 特许权税
basis of assessment 估税标准
taxable income 须纳税的收入
fiscality 检查
tax-free 免税的
tax exemption 免税
taxpayer 纳税人
tax collector 收税员

8、Internal economic and trade orgnization 国际经济与贸易组织

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, C.C.P.I.T. 中国国际贸易促进委员会
National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会
Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会
Association for the Promotion of International Trade,Japan 日本国际贸易促进会
British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会
International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会
International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会
International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会
Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟
Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会
United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会
Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织
European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体
European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟
European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易区
Council for Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会
Eurogroup 欧洲集团
Group of Ten 十国集团
Committee of Twenty(Paris Club) 二十国委员会
Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会
Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒比自由贸易同盟)
Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场
Latin American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟
Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场
African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织
East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场
Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟
West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC 石油输出国组织
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织
Commonwealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区
Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, National Center of External Trade 法国对外贸易中心
People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
Bank of China 中国银行
International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBRD 国际复兴开发银行
World Bank 世界银行
International Development association, IDA 国际开发协会
International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定
International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织
European Economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济与货币同盟
European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金
Bank for International Settlements, BIS 国际结算银行
African Development Bank, AFDB 非洲开发银行
Export-Import Bank of Washington 美国进出口银行
National city Bank of New York 花旗银行
American Oriental Banking Corporation 美丰银行
American Express Co. Inc. 美国万国宝通银行
The Chase Bank 大通银行
Inter-American Development Bank, IDB 泛美开发银行
European Investment Bank, EIB 欧洲投资银行
Midland Bank,Ltd. 米兰银行
United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行
Dresden Bank A.G. 德累斯敦银行
Bank of Tokyo,Ltd. 东京银行
Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation 香港汇丰银行
International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融公司
La Communaute Financieve Africane 非洲金融共同体
Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC 联合国经济及社会理事会
United Nations Development Program, NUDP 联合国开发计划署
United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议
Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO 粮食与农业组织, 粮农组织
Economic Commission for Europe, ECE 欧洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLA 拉丁美洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济委员会
Economic Commission for Western Asia, ECWA 西亚经济委员会
Economic Commission for Africa, ECA 非洲经济委员会
Overseas Chinese Investment Company 华侨投资公司
New York Stock Exchange, NYSE 纽约证券交易所
London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场
Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange 波罗的海商业和航运交易所


4. 关于足球的所有术语翻译成英文

  aggregate score 总积分 key player 主力队员

  all-out attacking 全攻型打法 kick off 开球

  an incident-packed game 一场事故叠出的比赛 knee pads 护膝

  arch-rival 主要对手 league table 联赛积分表

  attack 进攻 left back 左后卫

  away ground 客场场地 level the score 将比分扳平

  away match 客场比赛 linesman 巡边员

  back 后卫 line pass 横传

  back-heel pass 脚后跟传球 line-up 阵容

  back line 卫线、端线 line up a wall 筑人墙

  back pass 转身传球 locker room 更衣室

  base of post 柱脚 long ball 长传

  bicycle kick 倒钩球 make space 制造空档

  blanket defence 密集防守 make a spot pass 传球到位

  Brazilian formation 巴西阵式 make a powerful clearance kick 大脚解围

  break the deadlock 打破僵局 man to man defence 人盯人防守

  break through 突破 march in 列队入场

  budding star 初露锋芒的明星 mark space 区域联防

  by-line 边线 match-fixing 内定比赛结果

  capacity crowd 观众满座 nuetral field 中立场地

  capatain 队长 offensive on the wings 从两翼进攻

  centre forward 中锋 offensive player 进攻队员

  central back 中卫 off-side 越位

  centre circle 中圈 on a home and away basis 主客场制

  centre field 中场 one-sided game 一边倒的比赛

  central half 中前卫 open net 空门

  charity soccer match 慈善足球赛 out-side 边锋

  cheering team 啦啦队 out-side left 左边锋

  close game 比分接近的比赛 out-side right 右边锋

  close range shot 近距离射门 own goal 踢入本方球门(对方得分)
  control the midfield 控制中场 pass 传球

  corner area 角球区 penalty 点球

  corner ball 角球 penalty box 禁区

  corner flag 角球旗 penalty for a foul 犯规罚点球

  corner kick 发角球 penalty kick 十二码球

  crossbar 球门横杆、门楣 penalty shoot-out 罚点球决胜负

  course of action 球路 pitch 球场

  cut down shooting angles 封住射门角度 place kick 踢定位球

  dark horse 黑马、爆冷门 playmaker 组织进攻者

  defending champion 卫冕冠军 player in 上场队员

  defensive wall 防守人墙 positional sense 跑位意识

  delay the game 拖延比赛 professional soccer player 职业球员

  deny a goal 判射无效 promotion 升级

  direct freekick 直接任意球 qualify for the next round 出线

  dive header 鱼跃顶球 quarter-final 四分之一决赛

  dive for the ball 鱼跃救球 rebound 反弹球

  downfield 前卫 red card 红牌

  down-the-middle thrust 中路突破 referee 裁判

  drawing lots 抽签 refuse obedience to the referee 不服裁判

  dribbling 带球 relegation 降级

  eliminate 淘汰 return leg 回访赛

  empty space 空档 right back 右后卫

  encounter 交锋 rioter 骚乱者

  equalizer 造成平分的射门 rolling pass 滚地传球
  exhibition match 表演赛 rough play 粗野的比赛

  extra time 加时赛 runing off the ball 跑位

  fan 球迷 scissors pass 交叉传球

  fast break 快攻 score 得分

  fast counterattack 快速反攻 second division 乙级队

  favourists 夺标热门 second half 下半场

  final eight 前八强 semi-final 半决赛

  final whistle 终场哨声 send-off 罚下场

  first division team 甲级队 send in a cross from the left 左路传中

  first half 上半场 send in a cross from the right 右路传中

  equalizer 造成平分的射门 rolling pass 滚地传球
  exhibition match 表演赛 rough play 粗野的比赛

  extra time 加时赛 runing off the ball 跑位

  fan 球迷 scissors pass 交叉传球

  fast break 快攻 score 得分

  fast counterattack 快速反攻 second division 乙级队

  favourists 夺标热门 second half 下半场

  final eight 前八强 semi-final 半决赛

  final whistle 终场哨声 send-off 罚下场

  first division team 甲级队 send in a cross from the left 左路传中

  first half 上半场 send in a cross from the right 右路传中

  free shot 射空门 steep forward pass 大脚直传
  friendly match 友谊比赛 striker 攻击手

  full back 后卫 substitute 替补队员

  full time 全场比赛时间 sudden-death 突然死亡法

  goals 射中次数 support 接应

  goal area 球门区 supporting player 接应队员

  goal-buster 杰出射门手 suspend 停赛、禁赛

  goal cross bar 球门横杆 sweeper 自由中卫

  goalkeeper 守门员 tackle 抢截

  goal kick 球门球 tap in the ball 轻拨入网

  goal line 球门线 tempo of the game 比赛节奏

  goal net 球门网 the away goals rule 客场进球规则

  goal post 球门柱 throw-in 界外球

  goalless draw 未得分,不分胜负 tie-breaker 平分决胜的比赛
  golden ball 金球 time out 暂停

  golden boots 金靴奖 top scorer 得分最高的队员

  group round robin 小组循环赛 transfer 转会

  group preliminaries 小组预赛 trapping 停球

  half line 中线 triangle pass 三角传球

  hand ball 手球 uniform number 球衣号码

  half-time break 中场休息 up-rising star 后起之秀

  halfway flag 中线旗 v-formation 三角阵式

  hat trick 连中三元 violent conduct 粗鲁行为

  head coach 主教练 vip box 重要人物席

  header 头球 visiters team 客队

  home team 主队 volley pass 凌空传球

  hook pass 弧形传球 volley shot 凌空射门

  hungarian formation 匈牙利阵式 wall 人墙

  in great form 竞技状态极佳 wall pass 二过一
  in red strip 身穿红色条衫 warming up competition 热身赛

  indirect free kick 间接任意球 winger 锋线队员

  interception 拦截 yellow card 黄牌

  invitational tournament 邀请赛 useful expressions 常用句

  30000 fans lined the stands of bangkok''''s national stadium.


  southampton players run onto pitch.


  the referee is calling the captain to the centre spot for the toss.






  benfica wearing the red strip dominate the first half.


  captain funes opened the scoring after 27 minutes.


  a goal!


  a beautiful centre!


  arsenal attack,ian wright hit bar with a header.


  no.10 gave a long shot,but missed the goal.


  oliva is the key man in the midfield and the striker.

  australia''''s paul fouls,gets second yellow card and is sent off.


  a foul!


  foul throw!


  the referee is whistling for a foul.


  referee gives red card.


  the referee is placing the ball for a free kick.


  they''''ve built a wall of players for a free kick.

  the ball has crossed the line.


  bebeto''''s goal is ruled offside.


  bebeto volleyed the ball 30 metres away from the net.


  his shot was well saved by goalkeeper nicola.


  time out!


  play on!


  stop pushing!

  don''''t hold up the game!


  they''''re lining up in position for the kick off.


  he is pushing lovely passes up the middle and out to the wings.


  he is thrusting down the middle and dribbling past a fullback.


  the pass in plucked.


  out side!


  the goalkeeper got the ball and booted it half way across the field.


  caricola is trying to clear the danger only succeeded in putting the ball in his own net.

  with a co-host arrangement with south korea for the 2002 world cup,soccer interest has reachead fever pitch in japan.


  players shake hands and leave pitch.


  the players run out of the pitch and gesture with the "v" sign to the fans.


  eighth-finals 八分之一决赛
  quarterfinal 四分之一决赛
  one-side game 一边倒的比赛
  competition requlations 比赛条例
  disqualification 取消比赛资格
  sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格
  opening ceremony 开幕式
  semi-final 半决赛
  first round 第一轮
  round-robin 循环赛
  doping test 药检
  draw,sostition 抽签
  elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰赛
  break through 突破
  overhead kick 倒勾球
  match ban 禁赛命令
  ranking 排名
  schedule 比赛日程

  half time 中场休息
  kick-out 踢出界
  sending-off 罚下场
  place kick 定位球
  pass 传球
  stopping 停球
  relegation 降级
  penalty 点球
  league 联赛 heading 顶球
  grouping 分组
  competitiom rules 比赛规则
  protest 对不公平裁判的抗议
  sellout 球票卖完
  first (second) half 上(下)半场
  rist 球场骚乱
  indicator,score board 记分牌
  yell 观众的喊声
  handclap 鼓掌
  cross (short,flank) pass 横(短,边界)传
  close watch 紧盯(人战术)

  offside 越位
  overhead throw 边顶掷球
  sliding tackle 铲球
  kick-off 开球
  free kick 任意球
  foul 犯规
  throw in 掷界外球
  wall 人墙
  draw 平局
  cheer team 拉拉队
  corner kick 角球
  red (yellow) card 红(黄)牌
  hat-trick 帽子戏法(一运动员一场进三球)
  driect (indirect) kick 直接(间接)球

5. 求财金英语专业术语,英汉都要有的

acquiring company 收购公司 
bad loan 呆帐 
chart of cash flow 现金流量表 
clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 
debt to equity 债转股 
diversity of equities 股权多元化 
economy of scale 规模经济 
emerging economies 新兴经济 
exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 
fund and financing 筹资融资 
global financial architecture 全球金融体系 
global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 
go public 上市 
growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 
have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 
hedge against 套期保值 
housing mortgage 住房按揭 
holdings 控股,所持股份 
holding company 控股公司 
initial offerings 原始股 
initial public offerings 首次公募 
innovative business 创新企业 
intellectual capital 智力资本 
inter-bank lending 拆借 
internet customer 网上客户 
investment payoff period 投资回收期 
joint-stock 参股 
mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 
means of production 生产要素 
(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 
mergers and acquisitions 并购 
mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业 
moods 人气 
net potato 网虫 
non-store seling 直销 
offering 新股 
online-banking 网上银行业 
online-finance 在线金融 
online client (银行的)网上客户 
paper profit 帐面收益 
physical assets 有形资产 
project fund system 项目资本金制度 
pyramid sale 传销 
recapitalize 资产重组 
regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团 
regulate 调控 
sell off 变现 
share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权 
smart card 智能卡 
slash prices 杀价 
spare capacity 闲置的生产能力 
strong growth 强劲的增长势头 
switch trade 转手贸易 
take…public 上市 
tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产 
transaction (银行的) 交易 
transfer payment from the exchequer 
venture-capital 风险资本 
virtual bank 虚拟银行 
wire transfer 电子转帐 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 D

打白条 issue IOU 
大额存单 certificate of deposit(CD) 
大额提现 withdraw deposits in large amounts 
大面积滑坡 wide-spread decline 
大一统的银行体制 (all-in-one)mono-bank system 
呆账(请见“坏账”) bad loans 
呆账准备金 loan loss reserves(provisions) 
呆滞贷款 idle loans 
贷款沉淀 non-performing loans 
贷款分类 loan classification 
贷款限额管理 credit control;to impose credit ceiling 
贷款约束机制 credit disciplinary(constraint)mechanism 
代理国库 to act as fiscal agent 
代理金融机构贷款 make loans on behalf of other institutions 
戴帽贷款 ear-marked loans 
倒逼机制 reversed transmission of the pressure for easing monetary condition 
道德风险 moral hazard 
地区差别 regional disparity 
第一产业 the primary industry 
第二产业 the secondary industry 
第三产业 the service industry;the tertiary industry 
递延资产 deferrable assets 
订货不足 insufficient orders 
定期存款 time deposits 
定向募集 raising funds from targeted sources 
东道国(请见“母国”) host country 
独立核算 independent accounting 
短期国债 treasury bills 
对冲操作 sterilization operation;hedging 
对非金融部门债权 claims on non-financial sector 
多种所有制形式 diversified ownership 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 E-F

恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation 
二级市场 secondary market 

发行货币 to issue currency 
发行总股本 total stock issue 
法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement 
法人股 institutional shares 
法人股东 institutional shareholders 
法治 rule of law 
房地产投资 real estate investment 
放松银根 to ease monetary policy 
非现场稽核 off-site surveillance(or monitoring) 
非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions 
非赢利性机构 non-profit organizations 
分税制 assignment of central and local taxes;tax assignment system 
分业经营 segregation of financial business(services);division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions 
风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure 
风险管理 risk management 
风险意识 risk awareness 
风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios 
风险资本标准 risk-based capital standard 
服务事业收入 public service charges;user's charges 
扶贫 poverty alleviation 
负增长 negative growth 
复式预算制 double-entry budgeting;capital and current budgetary account 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 G

改革试点 reform experimentation 
杠杆率 leverage ratio 
杠杆收购 leveraged buyout 
高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest 
个人股 non-institutional shares 
根本扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal) 
公开市场操作 open market operations 
公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts 
公用事业 public utilities 
公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector 
公有制 public ownership 
工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio 
工业增加值 industrial value added 
供大于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply 
鼓励措施 incentives 
股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises 
股份制企业 joint-equity enterprises 
股份制银行 joint-equity banks 
固定资产贷款 fixed asset loans 
关税减免 tariff reduction and exemption 
关税减让 tariff concessions 
关税优惠 tariff incentives;preferential tariff treatment 
规范行为 to regularize(or standardize)…behavior 
规模效益 economies of scale 
国计民生 national interest and people's livelihood 
国家对个人其他支出 other government outlays to individuals 
国家风险 country risk 
国际分工 international division of labor 
国际收支 balance of payments 
国有独资商业银行 wholly state-owned commercial banks 
国有经济(部门) the state-owned(or public)sector 
国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs) 
国有制 state-ownership 
国有资产流失 erosion of state assets 
国债回购 government securities repurchase 
国债一级自营商 primary underwriters of government securities 
过度竞争 excessive competition 
过度膨胀 excessive expansion 
过热迹象 signs of overheating 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 H

合理预期 rational expectation 
核心资本 core capital 
合资企业 joint-venture enterprises 
红利 dividend 
宏观经济运营良好 sound macroeconomic performance 
宏观经济基本状况 macroeconomic fundamentals 
宏观调控 macroeconomic management(or adjustment) 
宏观调控目标 macroeconomic objectives(or targets) 
坏账 bad debt 
还本付息 debt service 
换汇成本 unit export cost;local currency cost of export earnings 
汇兑在途 funds in float 
汇兑支出 advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank 
汇率并轨 unification of exchange rates 
活期存款 demand deposits 
汇率失调 exchange rate misalignment 
混合所有制 diversified(mixed)ownership 
货币政策态势 monetary policy stance 
货款拖欠 overdue obligations to suppliers 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 J

基本建设投资 investment in infrastructure 
基本经济要素 economic fundamentals 
基本适度 broadly appropriate 
基准利率 benchmark interest rate 
机关团体存款 deposits of non-profit institutions 
机会成本 opportunity cost 
激励机制 incentive mechanism 
积压严重 heavy stockpile;excessive inventory 
挤提存款 run on banks 
挤占挪用 unwarranted diversion of(financial)resources(from designated uses) 
技改投资 investment in technological upgrading 
技术密集型产品 technology-intensive product 
计划单列市 municipalities with independent planning status 
计划经济 planned economy 
集体经济 the collective sector 
加大结构调整力度 to intensify structural adjustment 
加工贸易 processing trade 
加快态势 accelerating trend 
加强税收征管稽查 to enhance tax administration 
加权价 weighted average price 
价格放开 price liberalization 
价格形成机制 pricing mechanism 
减亏 to reduce losses 
简化手续 to cut red tape;to simplify(streamline)procedures 
交投活跃 brisk trading 
缴存准备金 to deposit required reserves 
结构扭曲 structural distortion 
结构失调 structural imbalance 
结构性矛盾突出 acute structural imbalance 
结构优化 structural improvement(optimization) 
结汇、售汇 sale and purchase of foreign exchange 
金融脆弱 financial fragility 
金融动荡 financial turbulence 
金融风波 financial disturbance 
金融恐慌 financial panic 
金融危机 financial crisis 
金融压抑 financial repression 
金融衍生物 financial derivatives 
金融诈骗 financial fraud 
紧缩银根 to tighten monetary policy 
紧缩政策 austerity policies;tight financial policies 
经常账户可兑换 current account convertibility 
经济特区 special economic zones(SEZs) 
经济体制改革 economic reform 
经济增长方式的转变 change in the main source of economic growth(from investment expansion to efficiency gains) 
经济增长减速 economic slowdown;moderation in economic growth 
经济制裁 economic sanction 
经营自主权 autonomy in management 
景气回升 recovery in business activity 
境外投资 overseas investment 
竞争加剧 intensifying competition 
局部性金融风波 localized(isolated)financial disturbance 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 K-L

开办人民币业务 to engage in RMB business 
可维持(可持续)经济增长 sustainable economic growth 
可变成本 variable cost 
可自由兑换货币 freely convertible currency 
控制现金投放 control currency issuance 
扣除物价因素 in real terms;on inflation-adjusted basis 
库存产品 inventory 
跨国银行业务 cross-border banking 
跨年度采购 cross-year procurement 
会计准则 accounting standard 

来料加工 processing of imported materials for export 
离岸银行业务 off-shore banking(business) 
理顺外贸体制 to rationalize foreign trade regime 
利率杠杆的调节作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation 
利润驱动 profit-driven 
利息回收率 interest collection ratio 
联行清算 inter-bank settlement 
连锁企业 franchise(businesses);chain businesses 
良性循环 virtuous cycle 
两极分化 growing income disparity;polarization in income distribution 
零售物价指数 retail price index(RPI) 
流动性比例 liquidity ratio 
流动资产周转率/流通速度 velocity of liquid assets 
流动资金贷款 working capital loans 
流通体制 distribution system 
流通网络 distribution network 
留购(租赁期满时承租人可购买租赁物) hire purchase 
垄断行业 monopolized industry(sector) 
乱集资 irregular(illegal)fund raising 
乱收费 irregular(illegal)charges 
乱摊派 unjustified(arbitrary)levies 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 M-P

买方市场 buyer's market 
卖方市场 seller's market 
卖出回购证券 matched sale of repo 
贸易差额 trade balance 
民间信用 non-institutionalized credit 
免二减三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thefollowing three years 
明补 explicit subsidy 
明亏 explicit loss 
名牌产品 brand products 
母国(请见“东道国”) home country 

内部控制 internal control 
内部审计 internal audit 
内地与香港 the mainland and Hong Kong 
内债 domestic debt 
扭亏为盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one 
扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources 
农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement 
农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs) 

泡沫效应 bubble effect 
泡沫经济 bubble economy 
培育新的经济增长点 to tap new sources of economic growth 
片面追求发展速度 excessive pursuit of growth 
平衡发展 balanced development 
瓶颈制约 bottleneck(constraints) 
平稳回升 steady recovery 
铺底流动资金 initial(start-up)working capital 
普遍回升 broad-based recovery 
配套改革 concomitant(supporting)reforms 
配套人民币资金 local currency funding of… 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 Q-R

企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities 
企业集团战略 corporate group strategy 
企业兼并重组 company merger and restructuring 
企业领导班子 enterprise management 
企业所得税 enterprise(corporate)income tax 
企业效益 corporate profitability 
企业资金违规流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market 
欠税 tax arrears 
欠息 overdue interest 
强化税收征管 to strengthen tax administration 
强制措施 enforcement action 
翘尾因素 carryover effect 
切一刀 partial application 
清理收回贷款 clean up and recover loans 
(破产)清算 liquidation 
倾斜政策 preferential policy 
区别对待 differential treatment 
趋势加强 intensifying trend 
全球化 globalization 
权益回报率 returns on equity(ROE) 
缺乏后劲 unsustainable momentum 

绕规模贷款 to circumvent credit ceiling 
人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP 
人均收入 per capita income 
人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Renminbi(exchange rate) 
认缴资本 subscribed capital 
软贷款 soft loans 
软预算约束 soft budget constraint 
软着陆 soft landing 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 W-X

外部审计 external audit 
外国直接投资 foreign direct investment (FDI) 
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 
外汇调剂 foreign exchange swap 
外汇占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves;the RMB equivalent of offcial foreign exchange holdings 
外向型经济 export-oriented economy 
外债 external debt 
外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises 
完善现代企业制度 to improve the modern enterprise system 
完税凭证 tax payment documentation 
违法经营 illegal business 
委托存款 entrusted deposits 
稳步增长 steady growth 
稳健的银行系统 a sound banking system 
稳中求进 to make progress while ensuring stability 
无纸交易 book-entry(or paperless/scriptless)transaction 
物价监测 price monitoring 

吸纳流动性 to absorb liquidity 
稀缺经济 scarcity economy 
洗钱 money laundering 
系统内调度 fund allocation within a bank 
系统性金融危机 systemic financial crisis 
下岗工人 laid-off employees 
下游企业 down-stream enterprises 
现场稽核 on-site examination 
现金滞留(居民手中) cash held outside the banking system 
乡镇企业 township and village enterprises(TVEs) 
消费物价指数 consumer price index(CPI) 
消费税 excise(consumption)tax 
消灭财政赤字 to balance the budget;to eliminate fiscal deficit 
销货款回笼 reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system 
销售平淡 lackluster sales 
协议外资金额 committed amount of foreign investment 
新经济增长点 new sources of economic growth 
新开工项目 new projects;newly started projects 
新增贷款 incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth; credit expansion 
新增就业位置 new jobs;new job opportunities 
信贷规模考核 review the compliance with credit ceilings 
信号失真 distorted signals 
信托投资公司 trust and investment companies 
信息不对称 information asymmetry 
信息反馈 feedback(information) 
信息共享系统 information sharing system 
信息披露 information disclosure 
信用扩张 credir expansion 
信用评级 credit rating 
姓“资”还是姓“社” pertaining to socialism or capitalism;socialist orcaptialist 
行政措施 administrative measures 
需求膨胀 demand expansion; excessive demand 
虚伪存款 window-dressing deposits 
削减冗员 to shed excess labor force 
寻租 rent seeking 
迅速反弹 quick rebound 

经济金融术语汉英对照表 Y-Z

养老基金 pension fund 
一刀切 universal application;non-discretionary implementation 
一级市场 primary market 
应收未收利息 overdue interest 
银行网点 banking outlets 
赢利能力 profitability 
营业税 business tax 
硬贷款(商业贷款) commercial loans 
用地审批 to grant land use right 
有管理的浮动汇率 managed floating exchange rate 
证券投资 portfolio investment 
游资(热钱) hot money 
有市场的产品 marketable products 
有效供给 effective supply 
诱发新一轮经济扩张 trigger a new round of economic expansion 
逾期贷款 overdue loans;past-due loans 
与国际惯例接轨 to become compatible with internationally accepted 
与国际市场接轨 to integrate with the world market 
预算外支出(收入) off-budget (extra-budgetary) expenditure(revenue) 
预调 pre-emptive adjustment 
月环比 on a month-on-month basis; on a monthly basis 

再贷款 central bank lending 
在国际金融机构储备头寸 reserve position in international financial institutions 
在人行存款 deposits at (with) the central bank 
在途资金 fund in float 
增加农业投入 to increase investment in agriculture 
增势减缓 deceleration of growth;moderation of growthmomentum 
增收节支措施 revenue-enhancing and expenditure control measures 
增长平稳 steady growth 
增值税 value-added tax(VAT) 
涨幅偏高 higher-than-desirable growth rate;excessive growth 
账外账 concealed accounts 
折旧 depreciation 
整顿 retrenchment;consolidation 
政策工具 policy instrument 
政策性业务 policy-related operations 
政策性银行 policy banks 
政策组合 policy mix 
政府干预 government intervention 
证券交易清算 settlement of securities transactions 
证券业务占款 funding of securities purchase 
支付困难 payment difficulty 
支付能力 payment capacity 
直接调控方式向 to increase the reliance on indirect policy instruments 
间接调控方式转变职能转换 transformation of functions 
职业道德 professional ethics 
指令性措施 mandatory measures 
指令性计划 mandatory plan;administered plan 
制定和实施货币政策 to conduct monetary policy;to formulate and implement monetary policy 
滞后影响 lagged effect 
中介机构 intermediaries 
中央与地方财政 delineation of fiscal responsibilities 
分灶吃饭重点建设 key construction projects;key investment project 
周期谷底 bottom(trough)of business cycle 
周转速度 velocity 
主办银行 main bank 
主权风险 sovereign risk 
注册资本 registered capital 
逐步到位 to phase in;phased implementation 
逐步取消 to phase out 
抓大放小 to seize the big and free the small(to maintain close oversight on the large state-ownedenterprises and subject smaller ones to market competition) 
专款专用 use of funds as ear-marked 
转贷 on-lending 
转轨经济 transition economy 
转机 turnaround 
转折关头 turning point 
准财政赤字 quasi-fiscal deficit 
准货币 quasi-money 
资本不足 under-capitalized 
资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio 
资本利润率 return on capital 
资本账户可兑换 capital account convertibility 
资不抵债 insolvent;insolvency 
资产负债表 balance sheet 
资产负债率 liability/asset ratio;ratio of liabilities to assets 
资产集中 asset concentration 
资产贡献率 asset contribution factor 
资产利润率 return on assets (ROA) 
资产质量 asset quality 
资产组合 asset portfolio 
资金成本 cost of funding;cost of capital;financing cost 
资金到位 fully funded (project) 
资金宽裕 to have sufficient funds 
资金利用率 fund utilization rate 
资金缺口 financing gap 
资金体外循环 financial disintermediation 
资金占压 funds tied up 
自筹投资项目 self-financed projects 
自有资金 equity fund 
综合国力 overall national strength(often measured by GDP) 
综合效益指标 overall efficiency indicator 
综合治理 comprehensive adjustment(retrenchment);over-haul 
总成交额 total contract value 
总交易量 total amount of transactions 
总成本 total cost 
最后贷款人 lender of last resort


6. 英文翻译

Chinese financial stocks and consumer stocks have support, the China Construction Bank (939) short-term technology was to have bottomed out signs of rebound in the foreseeable 7.05 yuan. Industrial and Commercial Bank (1398) solid performance yesterday, in support of 5.70 yuan, to enter or consolidation, after taking a Chengjie Li. 

     Brilliance China blocked the antenna 20 

     Brilliance China (1114) was recently down repeatedly, rebound average scale of resistance in the 20, see resistance at 1.45 yuan on the level; annual Group turnover rose 35 percent to 14.14 billion yuan, the operating results of profit, shareholders Profit attributable to be 97.09 million yuan, subsidiaries, Shenyang Automotive's Zhonghua sedans and minibuses to increase sales, but prices increased competition, profits may be affected by the impact of this development are still optimistic. 

     Dongfang Electrical take advantage of the reduction of rebound 

     Dongfang Electric (1072) subsidiary of Oriental Turbine Factory in Mianzhu Han Wang Zhen production base in the earthquake losses, the business revenue in the last year, Oriental Electric 20 per cent of total revenue, the production base more than 80 percent damage to plants, it is estimated that about two hours reconstruction ; Short-term stock prices continued volatile rally resistance to 30 yuan or less, to take advantage of the reduction at the rally. 

     See the third quarter of the initial 25,500 on the 

     Surge for the Hang Seng Index rebounded to the volatile Tokyo stock market's good. The external support of the stock market, blue chips rebound in general, banking stocks short-term bottom. China Mobile (941) technical rebound; � control (005) current price-earnings ratio of 10 times, stock prices have supported, there will be 136 yuan in taking pressure, in support of District 130 yuan. Hang Seng Index rose 149 on turnover of 85.5 billion yuan, on the map of consolidation in the low turnover decreased Piaohu abnormal movements, is expected to break through the third quarter, rising to above 25,500, is expected to factor the impact of the interest rate will gradually weaken, the next Week in the consolidation of 24,000 to 24,800. 

     Futures rose to 24,520, rose to short-term resistance, or to 24,459, up 107 points. Random index is still oversold, temporarily Beichi not bottomed out, technically, on the map covering digital gap, but still short of 24,400 for the axis, may rebound Goodbye top, if top 26,512 by the waves, or a maximum of 2421 , Expected next week to Xundi to 24,000 to 24,100 for the short-term support. 

     HKEx bottomed out a call (2155) 

     The reference to Deutsche Bank (2155) subscription rally round bottomed out, because of the shares may be bottoming out, after adjustment can be bought, expires at the end of September, the implied volatility of about 50 percent, in the exercise price of 136.88 yuan. Hang 
Ball's second largest re-insurance institutions ---- German insurance company Munich Re said yesterday that according to his estimates, the insurance industry because of Sichuan, China earthquake and the loss of payment in the amount of 3.2 to 10.8 billion yuan. Munich Re, estimated the amount of the payment only in this disaster has all kinds of property insurance and personnel losses, the total losses caused by the earthquake more. 

     Munich Re's management committee members Yewoleike pointed out that the Munich Reinsurance Company of earthquakes on the impact of a relatively small amount of compensation is about 108 to 539 million yuan. Last week, Germany's second-largest reinsurer Hannover reinsurance that the company was required to Sichuan earthquake in the payment of 108 million yuan within. Germany's largest insurance company Allianz Insurance Group, said the company in the disaster without significant compensation. 

     ICBC claims 900 million to the Taibao 

     According to mainland media reports said in late May, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of the earthquake damage insurance outlets to the Pacific by as much as 900 million yuan in gross claims. An anonymous high-level insurance company said that in the past few years, ultra-low-cost large-scale shopping risk projects from the Mainland insurance companies, will come in the disaster facing the test of the Commercial Daily - With two new disc "Royal Yongsan" And "Mid-level No. 1" sell "7788", the market focus shift to the secondary market, Dilou volume continues to increase. Li Jia Club real estate research department, said yesterday, this weekend in Hong Kong a total of 50 indicators of housing estates in 2532, group booking Dilou, increased 1.7 percent last week, Liansheng eight weeks. Source, Dilou proportion of investors rose to 20.9 percent, while the proportion of users for about 60% (which for flat passenger and 33.1 percent, 27.1 percent passenger on the train). 

     If the analysis by region, Hong Kong Island Dilou recorded 3.2 percent increase in volume, the best performance, Taikoo Shing, Kornhill Garden, Lei King Wan and Heng Fa Chuen an increase of 5-8 percent range. Lei Li Jia Club Bay branch manager of high-Hon-keung pointed out that the recent carp Bay-based transactions are in large units, reflecting the region for flat increasing passenger demand; addition, since the rental housing estates to attract the rate of return, generally up to 4% more than the level, the floor, except for passengers, the courts are also sought after by long-term investors. In the end-users and investors, with the support of this week Lei King Wan Dilou increased 8 percent for flat percentage of each passenger and investors 30%. 

     New Territories, Kowloon Dilou individual development 

     The development of individual housing estates in the New Territories, the overall volume of Dilou only by 1.4 percent, surplus Tsui peninsula, Belvedere Garden and the blue sky coast increased from 5 to 10 percent, on the contrary, the Sunshine City and Kingswood Villas is reduced by 7% and 4 percent. Li Jia Club property trump card estate Villa Esplanada branch manager Guo Dexin said that the new disc sales ideals, the buyers increased confidence in the market, trading surplus Tsui peninsula has also Huiyong, individual buyers with more action Optimistic about its investors, before a recent high-value users to undertake a surplus Tsui peninsula Seaview 2-bedroom units, Zhipo-foot price of 6,000 yuan juncture, the situation also reflected in this week Dilou volume on the week to see profit booking Tsui peninsula Floor of an increase of 10%. 

     Kowloon and New Territories of the same, week-by 1 percent, and Whampoa Garden, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, an increase of 6 percent and 3 percent, the new capital and Banyan Garden remained stable, Laguna City is down 7 percent. Li Jia Club property trump card estate capital of a new branch manager Fuzhi Huang said, the property market after two months of the consolidation period, the market sentiment improved significantly, four of all buyers begin to find the source of quality disc, which Metropole Tired of this month has been about 80 secondary transactions. 
UBS that China Mobile (941) shares have recently tired or 13 percent, now its price-earnings ratio of 13.7 times the valuation attractive. UBS that the next move in an asymmetric can still be maintained under the control of industry leadership position, because of their large-scale, the number of multi-station network and the implementation of power. China Mobile last year, Yong station with 307,000 customers and 369 million. Dai's report: Hong Kong stocks closed this week began implementing the auction sessions, Monday to Thursday close of the auction sessions were only about 20 billion yuan, the market total turnover of just over 2 to 3 percent, but up to yesterday's turnover was 14.2 billion Yuan, 16.6 percent of the total turnover, more than stocks in the period soared more than 10%. In addition to the major change in the investment portfolio, will appear surging changes, have also surfaced "predators" in order to play the attacks. 

     Administration to seek countermeasures Yiji 

     Have experienced a retail yesterday, "10-minute panic," moaning and the sky; more broker said yesterday the situation is extremely unusual, also exposed the weaknesses of the auction period, Yiji seeking measures to avoid future stock price caused great impact on small investment Who suffer. 

     KGI Chief Operating Officer of the Kuang-bin pointed out that this incident is not unusual, because the closing price of shares in normal trading hours and the difference too, the authorities must carefully investigate the case. Sun Hung Kai Securities strategist Peng, said that after this incident, the HKEx and the SFC will introduce clear guidelines to improve the system. 

     Mr CHIM: should stop bidding sessions 

     Legislative Council financial services sector, Mr CHIM also of the view that yesterday's unusual fluctuations in stock prices, market manipulation is suspected. He added that the market is very concerned about this situation, there is a need to stop the implementation of measures to close the auction period, after a review of its future direction. 

     In response, Hsu HKEx listed as members of the Commission of the view that yesterday after the close of the auction period turnover surge precisely reflect the shortcomings of the measures, there is a need to collect data during the transaction, a thorough investigation of who should conduct the transaction and what behind , Whether in the market manipulation that the investigation could be a deterrent. 

     He also said that measures have long been expected that the new shares will lead to confusion, but he did not support withdrawal of auction sessions, so as to avoid朝令夕改. But he stressed that the HKEx and the regulatory authorities need to review the policy as soon as possible, to find ways to plug the loopholes.

7. 期货中的reversing trade是什么?

你问题的答案应该是  out = 止亏 Close a Position (Position Squaring) 结清头寸(头寸清算) 通过回购一份空头头寸或者卖出一份多头头寸,从交易商的投资组合中去除一项投资。 Commission 佣金 在一笔交易中经纪人收取的费用。


be biased bearishly 偏向熊市 
break 突破 
buy a dip 下跌时买入/逢低买入 
buying 买盘 
cap (趋势)受阻 
consolidation 盘整 
contain 限制 
cover 平仓 
daily chart 日图(依次类推) 
fresh option plays 新的期权买家 
GMT 格林威治时间 
high 高点 
h range 小时区间 
initial support 初始支撑位 
intraday 日内的 
intact 有效 
Japanese accounts 日本帐户 

keep(stop) 设置(止损位) 
large stops 巨大的止损盘 
Ldn 伦敦 
long 多头 
low 低点 
minor probe 轻微(突破于等) 
o/n overnight 
overbuy 超买 
oversell 超卖 
paring 货币对/汇率/汇价 
position 头寸 
rally 反弹,回升 
resistance 阻力位 
retracement 回撤 
rising lows 低点上升 
round from oversold territory 离开超卖区域 
sell into strength strategy 逢高卖出 
short 空头 
shorts are in play from overnight 空头自昨夜一直留在场内 
square 回补 
stall 盘整 
stochastic 随机指标 
stop 止损位 
stop out 止损离场 
strike 突破 
support 支撑位 
target 目标位 
test 测试 
test lower 测试更低价位 

央行及货币名称 英汉对照 
USD 美元 
GBP/Cable 英镑 
EUR 欧元 
CHF 瑞郎 
AUD 澳元 
CAD 加元 
SEK 瑞典克郎 
NOK 挪威克郎 
NZD 新元 
ECB 欧洲央行 
BOE 英格兰银行 
BOJ 日本银行 

INIW 美元指数 
NQCI 纳指 
NDIW 道指 
DAX 德国DAX指数 
CAC 巴黎一指数 
SKIW 恒生 
ICIW 日经 

ING Securities 霸菱 
Merrill Lynch 美林公司 
UKX 金融时报 
ETF 上市交易基金 
KYODO NEWS 共同社(日本) 
EP(European Parliament) 欧洲议会 
EC(European Commission) 欧盟委员会 
Istate 意大利统计局 
Insee 法国经济统计局 
Credit Suisse First Boston Securities 瑞士信贷第一波士顿 
ISM 供应管理学会 
NYMEX 纽约商业期货交易所 
FOMC(Federal Open Market Committee) 美国联邦公开市场委员会

Account 帐目 所有交易的记录。
Account Balance 帐户结余 含义同"结余"。 
Agent 代理 受雇于他人(委托人)并代表其作为的个人。 
Aggregate Demand 总需求 政府开支、个人消费支出以及企业费用的总和。 
All or None 整批委托 一种限价定单,要求代理商在特定的价格下,要么执行全部定单,要么不执行定单。 
Appreciation 增值 当物价应市场需求抬升时,一种货币即被称作增值,资产价值因而增加。 
Arbitrage 套汇 利用不同市场的对冲价格,通过买入或卖出信用工具,同时在相应市场中买入相同金额但方向相反的头寸,以便从细微价格差额中获利。 
Ask Size 卖价数量 以卖出价出售的股票数量。 
Ask Rate 卖出价 被售金融工具的最低价格(与在买出/卖入差价中同义)。 
Asset Allocation 资产分配 投资实务,将资金在不同的市场(外汇、股票、债券、商品、房地产)间分配,以达到分散风险管理的目的,并且/或者实现与投资者或投资管理者展望一致的预期收益。 
AttorneyinFact 代理人 由于持有委任状,因而可代表他人进行商业交易并执行文件的人。
Back Office 事务部门 与金融交易结算相关的部门和程序(即:书面确认和交易结算,帐目管理)。

Balance 结余 帐户中的金额。 
Balance of Payments 国际收支 指一国承认的,在一定时期内对外交易的记录,包括商品、服务和资本流动。
Base Currency 基础通货 投资者或者发行商用以计帐的通货。其它货币均比照其进行报价的通货。在外汇市场中,美元通常被认为是用作报价的"基础"通货,意即:报价表达式为1美元的1个单位每(报价货币对中的)另一种货币。 
Basis 基差 即期价格与远期价格的差额。 
Basis Point 基点 百分之一的一百分之一。 
Bear 空头业者 认为价格/市场将下跌的投资者。 
Bear Market 熊市 以长时期下跌的价格为特征,同时弥漫着悲观情绪的市场 Bid 买入价 买方准备用以购入的价格;报出的货币价格。 
Bid/Ask Spread 买入/卖出差价 参见差价。 
Big Figure 大数 交易员术语,指汇率的头几位数字。这些数字在正常的市场波动中很少发生变化,因此通常在交易员的报价中被省略,特别是在市场活动频繁的时候。比如,美元/日元汇率是 107.30/107.35,但是在被口头报价时没有前三位数字,只报"30/35"。 
Bonds 债券 债券是指由借款人发行,用以筹集资本的可交易工具(债务证券)。债券支付固定或者浮动利率(被称为息票)。当利率下跌时,债券价格上涨,反之亦然。 
Book 帐本 在专业交易环境中,帐本是交易商或者交易柜台全部头寸的总览
Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 1944年布雷顿森林协定 此协定确立了主要货币的固定外汇汇率,规定中央银行对货币市场进行干预,并将黄金的价格固定成 35 美元每盎司。此协定沿用至 1971年。参阅有关"布雷顿森林"的更多信息。 Broker 经纪人 充当中介的个人或者公司,出于收取手续费或佣金目的,为买方和卖方牵线搭桥。与此相比,"交易员"经营资本并且购入头寸的一边,希望在接下来的交易中通过向另一方抛售头寸赚取差价(利润)。 
Bull 多头业者 相信价格/市场将上涨的投资者。
Bull Market 牛市 以长时期上涨价格为特征的市场。(空头市场的反义词)。 
Bunde***ank 联邦银行 德国中央银行。 

Cable (电缆) 交易商针对英国英磅的行话,指英磅对美元的汇率。从 19 世纪中期起,汇率信息开始通过跨大西洋电缆传递,此术语因此流传开来。 
Candlestick Charts 蜡杆图表 表示当日成交价格幅度以及开盘及收盘价格的图表。如果收盘价格低于开盘价格,此矩形会被变暗或填满。如果开盘价高于收盘价,此矩形将不被填充。
Capital Markets 资本市场 经营中长期(通常超过 1 年)投资的市场。这里的可交易工具比货币市场(即:政府债券和欧洲债券)更为国际化。
Central Bank 中央银行 管理一国货币政策并印制一国货币的政府或准政府机构。比如美国中央银行是联邦储备署,其它还包括:欧洲中央银行(ECB)、英伦银行 (BOE)、日本中央银行(BOJ)。 
Chartist 图表专家 使用图表和图形,解释历史数据,以便能找到趋势,预测未来走势,并协助技术分析的人。 
Clearing 清算 结算一笔交易的过程。 
Close a Position (Position Squaring) 结清头寸(头寸清算) 通过回购一份空头头寸或者卖出一份多头头寸,从交易商的投资组合中去除一项投资。 Commission 佣金 在一笔交易中经纪人收取的费用。 
Confirmation 确认书 由交易双方交换、确认交易的各项条款的的交易文件 Contagion 金融风暴 经济危机从一个市场蔓延至另一个市场的趋势。1997 年泰国的金融震荡导致其本国货币--泰铢--极度不稳定。此局面引发金融风暴席卷其它东亚新兴货币,并最终影响到了拉丁美洲。这就是现在所说的亚洲金融风暴。 
Contract Unit (Lot) 合约(或单位) 某些外汇交易的标准单位。 
Convertible Currency 可兑换货币 可与其它货币或黄金以市场汇率进行自由兑换的货币。 
Cost of Carry 持有成本 与借款以维持头寸相关的成本。此成本以决定远期价格的利率平价为基础。
Counterparty 交易对方 与之进行金融交易的参与者、银行或客户。 
Country Risk 国家风险 与政府干预相关的风险(不包括中央银行干预)。典型事例包括法律和政治事件,如战争,或者国内骚乱。 
Credit Checking 信用审查 鉴于某些易手金融交易的庞大规模,因此非常有必要审查交易对方是否有交易空间。一旦达成一致价格,就需审查信用度。如果信用记录不良,则不应继续交易。在交易时信用度是非常重要的,无论是在银行同业市场,还是在银行与其客户之间。 
Credit Netting 信用净额结算 通过减少频繁重复审查信用度的必要,以最大化免信用度和加快交易过程而设立的协议。大银行与交易公司可能就未清算交易净额达成此类协议。 
Cross Rates 交叉汇率 两种货币间的汇率。在以货币对报价的国家,交叉汇率被指为非标准汇率。比如在美国,英磅/瑞士法郎的报价会被认为是交叉汇率,而在英国或瑞士,它会成为主要交易货币对之一。 
Currency 币种 由一国政府或中央银行发行的该国交易单位,其价值是交易的基础。 
Currency Risk 通货风险 由于汇率的反向变化而导致蒙受损失的风险。 

Day Trading 日间交易 在同一交易期内开设并结清同一或同一批头寸。 
Dealer 交易员 在交易中充当委托人或者交易对方角色的人。投放买入或卖出定单。 
Deficit 赤字 贸易(或者收支)的负结余,支出大于收入/收益。 
Delivery 交割 交易双方户过交易货币的所有权的实际交付行为。 
Deposit 存款 借入和借出现金。货币被借入或借出所依照的利率被称为存款利率。存款凭证亦为可交易工具。 
Depreciation 贬值 由于市场供需作用,货币价值下跌。 
Derivatives 衍生工具 由另一种证券(股票、债券、货币、或者商品)构成或衍生而来的交易。衍生工具可以是交换性的,也可是非交换性的(称为柜台交易)。衍生工具的实例包括:期权、利率掉期、远期利率契约、上限、下限、以及掉期期权。 
Devaluation 贬值 通常因官方公告引起的一种货币币值对另一种货币币值的刻意下调。

Economic Indicator 经济指标 由政府或者非政府机构发布的,显示当前经济增长率以及稳定性的统计数字(比如:国内生产总值(GDP)、就业率、贸易逆差、工业产值、以及商业目录)。 
Efficient Market 效率市场 当前价格可反映出由以往价格和成交量得出的所有有效信息的市场。
End Of Day (or Mark to Market) 每日结算(或者调至市价) 交易商以下列两种方式计算各自持有头寸:自然增长或者调至市价。自然增长系只计算已出现的资金流,因此它只表示已经实现的利得或者损失。调至市价方法在每个交易日结束之际,利用收盘汇率或者再估价汇率,测算交易商的帐面资产价值。所有利得或者损失都被记录在帐,易商将持有净头寸开始第二天交易。 
Euro 欧元 欧洲货币联盟(EMU)的货币,其取代了欧洲货币单位(ECU 埃居)的地位。 
European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行 欧洲货币联盟的中央银行。 
European Monetary Unit 欧洲货币联盟 欧洲货币联盟的主要目标是要建立名为欧元的单一欧洲货币。欧元将于2002年正式取代欧洲联盟成员国的国家货币。目前,欧元仅以银行业务货币的形式存在,用于帐面金融交易和外汇交易。欧洲货币联盟的成员国目前包括:德国、法国、比利时、卢森堡、奥地利、芬兰、爱尔兰、荷兰、意大利、西班牙,以及葡萄牙。 
Exchange Rate Risk 汇率风险 参见货币风险。 
Economic Exposure 经济风险 源自外汇波动的公司资金流动的风险。

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC) 联邦存款保险公司(FDIC) 美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。 
Federal Reserve(Fed) 美联储(Fed) 美国中央银行。 
Fixed Exchange Rate 固定汇率 由货币当局对一种或多种货币设定的官方汇率。在实践中,即使固定汇率也会在限定的上下区域中波动,并且不时会引发政府干预。 Fixed Interest 固定利率 此交易类型会支付事先达成的,并在交易期内保持不变的利息率。固定利率经常适用于债券及固定利率抵押。 
Flat(or Square) 持平(或者轧平) 如既没有多头也没有空头,即相当于持平或者轧平。如果交易商没有任何头寸,或者其所持全部头寸都互相抵销了,那么他的帐目持平。 
Floating Rate Interest 浮动利率 与固定利率相反,此类交易中的利率将随市场利率或者基准利率波动。浮动利率的实例之一是标准抵押。
Foreign Exchange or Forex or FX 外汇 (Forex 或 FX) 在柜台市场中同时买入一种货币并卖出另一种货币。大多数主要外汇都对美元报价。
Foreign Exchange Risk 外汇风险 参见通货风险。 
Forward 远期交易 将在未来约定日期开始的交易。外汇市场中的远期交易通常被表达为高于(升水)或低于(贴水)即期汇率的差价。如要获得实际远期外汇价格,只需将差价与即期汇率相加即可。此汇率将反映外汇汇率在远期交割日的必然状态,如果资金以此汇率被重新交换,则会既没有收益也没有亏损(如:中和交易)。此汇率可根据两种基本货币的相应存款利率和即期外汇汇率计算而得。与期货市场不同,远期交易可根据双方需要自行设定,具有更强的灵活性。同时还避免了集中交易。 
Forward Points 远期点数 为计算远期价格,加入当前汇率或从当前汇率中减去的点数。 
Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs) 远期汇率契约 远期汇率契约是允许某位交易商在未来特定时期内按规定的利率借入/借出的交易。
Front and Back Office 管理及事务部门 管理部门通常由交易办公室和其它主要业务活动组成。 
Fundamental Analysis 基本面分析 以判断金融市场未来走势为目标,对经济和政治数据的透彻分析。 
Futures 期货 一种在将来某个日期以特定价格交易金融工具、货币或者商品的方式。与期权不同,期货赋予的是在未来某日买入或卖出工具的义务(而不是选择权)。期货可被用于保护指定物品的将来价值和以此价值进行投机。

GTC 撤销前有效(GTC) 委托交易员决定,以固定价格买入或卖出的定单。在被执行或撤销前,GTC 一直有效。 

Hedge 对冲 用于减少投资组合价值易变性的投资头寸或者头寸组合。可在相关证券中购入一份抵销头寸。可采用多种不同的工具,包括远期、期货、期权、以及所有工具的组合。
High_Low 高/低 通常指当前交易日内基本工具的最高交易价和最低交易价。

Inflation 通货膨胀 一种经济状态,其中消费品物价上涨,进而导致货币购买力下降。 
Initial Margin 原始保证金 为进入头寸所需的期初抵押存款,用于担保将来业绩。 Interbank Rates 银行同业买卖汇率 大型国际银行向其它大型国际银行报价时所按照的外汇汇率。 
Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) 利率掉期(IRS) 具有不同支付流的两项负债义务的交换。此交易通常交换两笔平行贷款;一笔为固定利率,另一笔为浮动利率。 
Interest Rate Swap Points 利率掉期点数 利率可由采用外汇汇率买卖差价的简单规则推定。如果报价汇率以外币(非美元)计,并且买入价高于卖出价,那么此国的利率在此特定时间点上要高于基准国的利率。如果以美元报价,则反向情况成立。比如:美元/日元的报价是 105.75 对 105.65。因为买入价低于卖出价,那么您也就知道日本的利息要低于美国。 
ISDA 国际换汇与衍生交易协会(ISDA) 制定有关衍生交易条款和条件的机构就是国际换汇与衍生交易协会。

Leading Indicators 领先指标 被认为可预测未来经济活动的经济变量(如:失业率、消费品价格指数、生产资料价格指数、零售价、个人收入、主要利率、贴现率、以及联邦基金利率)。 
LIBOR 伦敦银行间拆放款利率(LIBOR) 表示伦敦银行间拆放款利率。最大型国际银行间互相借贷的利率。
LIFFE 伦敦国际金融期货交易所(LIFFE) 伦敦国际金融期货交易所。包括英国三大期货市场。 
Limit Order 限价定单 以指定价格或低于指定价格买入,或者以指定价格或高于指定价格卖出的定单。
Liquid and Illiquid Markets 流动性与非流动性市场 市场能够轻松买入或卖出而不会影响价格稳定的能力。在买卖差价较小的情况下,此市场被描述为具有流动性。另一种测量流动性的方法是卖方和买方的存在数量,越多的参与者能产生越小的价差。非流动性市场的参与者较少,交易价差较大。 
Liquidation 清算 通过执行一笔抵销交易,以结清一份未结头寸。 
Long 多头 购入的工具数量多于卖出数量的头寸。依此,如果市场价格上涨,那么头寸增值。 

Margin 保证金 客户必须存入抵押资金,以便承担由反向价格运动引起的任何可能损失。 
Margin Call 追加保证金 经纪人或者交易员发出的,对额外资金或者其它抵押的要求,使保证金额到达必要数量,以便能保证向不利于客户方向移动的头寸的业绩。 
Mark to Market (or End Of Day) 调至市价(或每日结算) 交易商以下列两种方式计算各自持有头寸:自然增长或者调至市价。自然增长系只计算已出现的资金流,因此它只表示已经实现的利得或者损失。调至市价方法在每个交易日结束之际,利用收盘汇率或者再估价汇率,测算交易商的帐面资产价值。所有利得或者损失都被记录在帐,交易商将持有净头寸开始第二天交易。 
Market Maker 运营者 提供价格,并准备以这些所述的买卖价格买入或者卖出的交易员。一位运营者管理一本交易帐薄。 
Market Order 市价定单 以定单投放市场时最佳有效价格买入/卖出的定单。 Market Risk 市场风险 与整体市场相关的风险,并且不能以对冲或者持有多种证券等方式加以分散。
Maturity 到期日 债务应被偿付的日期。 
Mine and Yours 我要购入及与您成交(Mine and Yours) 交易商如要宣布希望买入,他或她就说或者键入"我要购入(Mine)"。这也可称为"接受报价"。如要卖出,他将用"与您成交(Yours)"。这也可称为"击中出价"。 
Money Markets 货币市场 指短期(即少于1年)投资,其参与者包括银行和其它金融机构。实例包括:存款、存款凭证、回购协议、隔夜指数掉期、以及商业本票。短期投资安全且具高流动性。

Off Balance Sheet 表外(资产负债表) 诸如利率掉期和远期利率契约等都属于资产负债表外产品。同时,除股票和债务之外,其它渠道的融资也列入其中。 
Offer 卖出价 在卖出时,卖方愿意依照的价格或汇率。 
Offsetting Transaction 抵销交易 用于撤销或者抵销未结头寸的部分或全部市场风险的交易。 
One Cancels Other Order(OCOOrder) 选择性委托单 (O.C.O. 定单) 一种突发性定单,执行定单的一部分将自动撤销定单的另一部分。 
Open Order 开放定单 在市场价格向指定价位移动时买入或卖出的定单。 
Open Position 未结头寸 尚未撤销或者清算的交易,此时投资者利益将受外汇汇率走势的影响。 
Options 期权 此协议允许持有人拥有在特定的时间内以特定的价格卖出/买入指定证券的选择权。期权分两种类型:看涨期权(call)和看跌期权(put)。看涨期权是买权,而看跌期权是卖权。交易商可以卖出或买入看涨期汉和看跌期权。 
Order 定单 定单是客户向经纪发出的交易指示。定单能够以特定价格或市场价格投放。同时定单还可设为成交前或收盘前有效。 
Overnight 隔夜交易 直到第二个交易日仍保持开放的交易。 
Over The Counter (OTC) 柜台市场 (OTC) 用于描述任何不在交易所进行的交易。

Pegging 钉住 一种价格稳定的方式;一般来说,通过将一国货币与另一国货币的汇率固定,可起到稳定货币的作用。 
Pip or Points 点 在货币市场中运用的术语,表示汇率可进行的最小增幅移动。根据市场环境,正常情况下是一个基点(欧元/美元、英磅/美元、 美元/瑞士法郎货币对中为 0.0001,而在美元/日元货币对中为 .01)。 
Political Risk 政治风险 一国政府政策的变化。此种变化可能会对投资者的头寸产生负面效果。 
Position 头寸、头寸 头寸是一种以买入或卖出表达的交易意向。头寸可指投资者拥有或借用的资金数量。 
Premium 升水 在货币市场中,升水指为判断远期或期货价格而向即期价格中添加的点数。 
Price Transparency 价格透明度 每一位市场参与者都对报价说明有平等的访问权。

Quote 报价 一种指示性市场价格;显示在任何特定时间,某一证券最高买入和/ 或最低卖出的有效价格。

Rate 汇率 以别种货币计的一种货币价格。 
Realized and Unrealized Profitand Loss 已实现利得和亏损、未实现利得和亏损 使用自然增长类型会计体制的交易商在未卖出股票前会拥有未实现利得。一旦卖出其持有股票,利得即刻实现。 
Re_purchase or Repo 回购 此交易类型涉及卖出一款工具,然后在今后指定的日期和时间重新购回此工具。回购通常发生在短期货币市场。 
Resistance 阻力 技术分析术语,表示货币无力超越的某一具体价位。货币价格多次冲击此价格点失败会产生一个通常可由一条直线构成的图案。 
Revaluation Rates 再估价汇率 再估价汇率是交易商在进行每日结算时,为确定当日利润和亏损而使用的市场汇率。 
Risk 风险 暴露在不确定变化中;收益的多变性;更重要的是,少于预期收益的可能性。 
Risk Management 风险管理 采用金融分析和交易技巧,以达到对冲交易商的风险的目的。 
Rollover 续期 一笔交易的结算被向前延续至下一个交割日,其手续费基于此两种货币的利率差异。 

Settlement 结算 一笔交易的最后确定,交易以及交易双方都被记录在帐。 
Short 空头 成为"空头"是指在没有实际拥有的情况下即已将一款工具售出。拥 有空头者往往期望价格下跌,因此他能在今后将此款工具购回,以赚取利润 
Short Position 空头头寸 由卖出空头而产生的投资头寸。由于此头寸尚未被冲销, 因此可从市场价格下跌中获利。 
Spot 即期 立即发生的交易,但是资金通常在交易达成之后两天内过户。 
Stop Order 停止损失定单 以协议价格买入/卖出的定单。交易商还可以预设一份 停止损失定单,并可凭此在到达或超过指定价格时,自动清算未结头寸。
Spot Price 即期价格 当前市场价格。即期交易结算通常在两个交易日内发生。 
Spread 价差 买卖价格之间的差异;用于衡量市场流动性。在正常情况下,价差越 小,流动性越高。 
Support Levels 支撑水准 技术分析术语,表示货币没无力跌破的特定价位。货币 价格多次冲击此价格点失败会产生一个通常由一条直线构成的图案。
Swaps 掉期 掉期发生在一种货币暂时与另一种货币交换时,尔后此货币被持有,并在约定时期 后交换回来。如要计算掉期,取此两种指定货币的利率差。因此,掉期可被用于投 机目的,从预期的利率变动中获利。 
Sterling 英磅 英国英磅的另一种说法。

Technical Analysis 技术分析 通过分析诸如图表、价格趋势、和交易量等市场数 据,试图预报未来市场活动的作法。 
Tick 跳动点 最小价格变动。 
Ticker 报价机 以图表或表格形式显示货币的当前状况和/或近期历史记录。 
Tomorrow Next (Tom/Next) 明日次日 (Tom/Next) 为下一日交割同时买入和卖出一种货币。
Transaction Cost 交易成本 与买入或卖出一款金融工具相关的成本。 
Transaction Date 交易日 交易发生的日期。 
Turnover 交易额 指定时期内(通常是一天或一年)的交易量或交易规模。 
Two Way Price 双向报价 同时提供一项外汇交易的买入和卖出报价。 

Uptick 证券提价交易 高于同种货币较前报价的最新报价。 
Uptick Rule 证券提价交易规则 美国法律规定证券不能被卖空,除非在卖空交易 前的交易价格低于卖空交易被执行的价格。 
US Prime Rate 美国基本利率 美国银行向其主要企业客户贷款所依照的利率

Value Date 交割日 交易双方同意交换款项的日期。 
Variation Margin 变动保证金 由于市场波动,经纪人向客户提出的附加保证金要
Volatility 易变性 一段时间内,市场或证券价格变动的统计测算方法,采用标准 偏移法进行计算。与高易变性相关的是高风险度。 
Volume 成交量 在特定时期内证券交易的数量或价值。

Warrants 认股权证 认股权证是一种已售出的期权形式;是指在特定时间跨度内以 特定价格购买公司股票或债券的权利。 
Whipsaw 锯齿(Whipsaw) 此词条用于说明一种高速变动的市场状态,即在剧烈价 格变动周期之后又紧接着出现一个反向的剧烈价格变动周期。

期货中的reversing trade是什么?

8. 求足球战术的英文术语,希望有做过球队翻译的人给些建议!

Football, soccer, Association football 足球 
field, pitch 足球场 
midfied 中场 
kick-off circle 中圈 
half-way line 中线 
football, eleven 足球队 
football player 足球运动员 
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员 
back 后卫 
left 左后卫 
right back 右后卫 
centre half back 中卫 
half back 前卫 
left half back 左前卫 
right half back 右前卫 
forward 前锋 
centre forward, centre 中锋 
inside left forward, inside left 左内锋 
inside right forward, inside right 右内锋 
outside left forward, outside left 左边锋 
outside right forward, outside right 右边锋 
kick-off 开球 
bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球 
chest-high ball 平胸球 
corner ball, corner 角球 
goal kick 球门球 
ground ball, grounder 地面球 
hand ball 手触球 
header 头球 
penalty kick 点球 
spot kick 罚点球 
free kick 罚任意球 
throw-in 掷界外球 
ball handling 控制球 
block tackle 正面抢截 
body check 身体阻挡 
bullt 球门前混战 
fair charge 合理冲撞 
chesting 胸部挡球 
close-marking defence 钉人防守 
close pass, short pass 短传 
consecutive passes 连续传球 
deceptive movement 假动作 
diving header 鱼跃顶球 
flying headar 跳起顶球 
dribbling 盘球 
finger-tip save (守门员)托救球 
clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好 
flank pass 边线传球 
high lobbing pass 高吊传球 
scissor pass 交叉传球 
volley pass 凌空传球 
triangular pass 三角传球 
rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球 
slide tackle 铲球 
clearance kick 解除危险的球 
to shoot 射门 
grazing shot 贴地射门 
close-range shot 近射 
long drive 远射 
mishit 未射中 
offside 越位 
to pass the ball 传球 
to take a pass 接球 
spot pass 球传到位 
to trap 脚底停球 
to intercept 截球 
to break through, to beat 带球过人 
to break loose 摆脱 
to control the midfield 控制中场 
to disorganize the defence 破坏防守 
to fall back 退回 
to set a wall 筑人墙 
to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏 
to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势 
to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势 
ball playing skill 控救技术 
total football 全攻全守足球战术 
open football 拉开的足球战术 
off-side trap 越位战术 
wing play 边锋战术 
shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术 
time wasting tactics 拖延战术 
Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式 
four backs system 四后卫制 
four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式 
four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式 
red card 红牌(表示判罚出场) 
yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)
