
2024-05-16 02:04

1. 外贸常用英语口语对话

         1. 如何招揽顾客
         一般程序:招呼—问候—寻找相关话题—理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应该上前问候一句:“What can I do for you?”或“May I help you?”,也可说:“Can I be of any assistance?”,如果是熟客,可简单说声:“Good afternoon, madam. Something for you?”
         2. 如何打开话题
         如果顾客不置可否或表现出不耐烦的样子,决不可轻言放弃,可以先说: “Everybody is welcome here, madam. Whether she buys or not.(这里欢迎任何人光临,买不买都没关系)”,然后婉转地问:“Are you looking for something?”。
         3. 如何拉近距离
         首先表达自己身份,甚至可以交换名片,然后说些常用客套话,为后来的推销铺路。一句:“Would you mind my recommending?”十分有用。
         4. 如何游说购买
         初次见面就开门见山、滔滔不绝的做法已经落伍。当你要说服顾客时,最好用“Well, let me tell you why.”作为解释商品用途、优点的开场白。
         5. 如何展示商品
         可以说:“Please take a look at this.”或“That one, madam?(那个好吗?)”配合产品加以说明时,则用“As you can see, ~(正如您所见,~)”
         6. 如何拖延时间
         争取时间以便长期抗战要有技巧,再心急也要说“Please take your time”(慢慢看/参观)或“Go right ahead, please.”(随便参观)。根据情况也可通过闲聊进入主题,让顾客有一定时间考虑。
         7. 如何选取工具
         广告信函、海报、优待卷等都是销售的有效辅助工具,所谓“百闻不如一见”,一边看商品,一边听解释,才更易进入状况。所以“I'll send you our D.M.”(我会寄给您产品的广告信函)很有说服力。
         8. 如何利用店铺开张
         店铺开张和周年庆典都是很好的宣传机会,因为本店新开张,因此给予优惠,或进一步说明“If you would kindly recommend our establishment to your friends, the favor will be greatly appreciated”(如果您将本店介绍给您朋友,本店将十分感激)
         9. 如何劝客户抓紧购买
         店铺出清存货时是购买价廉物美的货物的好时机,您可以说“I understand there's not much left over”(存货不多)
         10. 如何接受电话预定
         除非是熟客,双方足够信任,否则,餐馆、旅店通常的电话应对方式是“What time can we expect you ?”(您几点来?)
         11. 如何给客人菜单
         餐厅里,引领顾客落座后通常递上菜单“Good evening, sir. Here's the dinner menu”捎待一会,再询问“May I take your order ?”(您要来点什么?)
         12. 如何引客人入座
         可以先询问“How many people, please ?”(请问几位?)以及“Do you have a reservation ?”(您订位了吗?),接下来就应该“Where would you prefer to sit ?”(您喜欢坐哪?)而引客人入座了
         13. 如何招呼顾客
         应主动说“How do I address you?”,然后再进行下一步骤。
         14. 如何让顾客稍候
         成功的推销是要建立良好长久的服务。忙不过来时,殷勤地一句“Would you mind waiting for a while?”(不介意稍候片刻吧?)足以奠定成功的基础。
         15. 如何让顾客说“买”
         双方谈得热烈的时候,说上一句“It's going to be the pride of our company.”(这将是本公司的荣幸)可以收到意想不到的奇效。
         16. 如何促使顾客下决心
         顾客犹豫不决时,您必须锲而不舍地游说,常用“Think about the advantages you will get.”(想想您能得到的利益)有利于出时顾客下决心购买。
         17. 如何取出样品
         顾客只有直接接触产品才有可能激起购买欲,所以“I have some sample”必须手口并用才有效果。
         18. 如何针对多人游说
         女性购物常常成群结队,所以您要多角度揣摩消费者喜好。在叽叽喳喳的意见中,找出主要购买者,对她说“Please insist your taste and need.”(请坚持您的品位和考虑实际需要)
         19. 如何应付挑剔的顾客
         挑剔的顾客主管意识极强,所以要避免正面争论,实在不行,记得说句“I'm very sorry we couldn't help you, sir.”(很抱歉,我帮不上什么忙)。
         20. 如何说明种类齐全
         21. 如何让顾客试穿
         展示商品的下一步就是顾客试穿了,可以说“Please try on whichever you like.”(随便试)或“Would you like to try it on?”(要不要试穿一下?)
         22. 如何说明用途
         商品要买得好,推销员对商品必须有足够的了解,说明使用方法的简易及商品的来用性,往往有利于顾客下决心购买,所以一句“Well, the self-filling device is simple.”(这种自动充墨装置十分简单)对您的推销术有举一反三之效的。
         23. 如何介绍新产品
         优秀推销员除了要有说服力、自信心和洞悉顾客心理的能力外,还要能经常介绍公司的最新或最畅销的产品。可以说“This is our newest product.”或 “This is our most recently developed product.”(这是我公司最新产品),甚至还可以强调 “They are of the newest patterns that can be obtained in town”(这个款式目前在市面上绝无仅有)。
         24. 如何说明产品特色
         面对令人眼花缭乱的产品,特色是顾客考虑的要素之一。所以,把“Its durability will be an agreeable surprise to you.”(它的耐久性将让您吃惊)常挂嘴边是必要。
         25. 如何介绍设计师风格
         顾客对衣饰的'品位越来越高,所以必须掌握顾客的特殊喜好,下面的句子就显得很重要:“Do you enjoy the Italian style?”(喜欢意大利款式吗?); “Let me introduce the designer's.”(让我为您介绍设计师所设计的)
         26. 如何帮客人搭配
         推销致胜的关键是要懂得搭配之道。如今的顾客已不是因为需要,或是因为缺乏而购买衣物,而是为了搭配原有物品,比如西装配领带,上衣配裤子等等。因此,“The gray one suits you well”(灰色比较适合您)之类的句子,就成了流行的推销用语。
         27. 如何推荐特卖品
         一般而言,每家商号都自己的特色或特制品,这句“It's our specialty”(这是本店的特制品)要用得很娴熟。总之,无论是推销的商店,还是推销本身都要风格独具,才能立于不败之地。
         28. 如何提出保证
         保证有很多种,如保证期(warranty)、耐用性(durability)、新奇度(novelty)、价格低(reasonable price)等等。可以使用“It has a five- year guarantee against mechanical defects”(机件保用五年)之类的语句。
         29. 如何附送赠品
         附送赠品是经久不衰的推销手法,因此,像“That includes an extra pair of shoelaces and a bottle of polish”(附送鞋带一对及鞋油一瓶)这类的说法是能讨顾客欢心的。
         30. 如何讨论款式
         与顾客讨论款式,既能对顾客表示尊重,又能抓住顾客的实际需求。像 “How do you like this one?”(您觉得这件如何?)或“Will you not try that one?”(试试那件怎么样?)这类话语往往是讨论的前奏,如果能加上“This style is quite elegant, I think you'll like it.”这句话,则交易更易成功。
         1.After you.你先请。
         2.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。
         这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried.I just couldn't help it.
         3.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。 生活实例:This test isn't that important.Don't take it to heart.
         4.We'd better be off.我们该走了。 It's getting late.We'd better be off.
         5.Let's face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 I know it's a difficult situation.Let's face it, OK?
         6.Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。
         劝导别人时说:Don't just talk.Let's get started.
         7.I'm really dead.我真要累死了。
         坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead.
         8.I've done my best.我已尽力了。
         9.Is that so? 真是那样吗?
         10.Don't play games with me! 别跟我耍花招!
         11.I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。
         Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?
         Tom:I don't know for sure.Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.
         12.I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack:I'm not going to kid you.I'm serious.
         13.That's something.太好了,太棒了。
         A:I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester. B:Congratulations.That's something.
         14.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!
         15.Do you really mean it? 此话当真?
         Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David:Do you really mean it?
         16.You are a great help.你帮了大忙
         17.I couldn't be more sure.我再也肯定不过。
         18.I am behind you.我支持你。
         A:Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.
         19.I'm broke.我身无分文。
         20.Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。)
         Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.
         21.You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B:You can count on it.
         22.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。
         当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面: Oh, don't worry.I'm thinking of buying a new one.I never liked it anyway.
         23.That depends.看情况再说。
         I may go to the airport to meet her.But that depends.
         25.Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。
         当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。 26.It's a deal.一言为定
         Harry:Haven't seen you for ages.Let's have a get-together next week.
         Jenny:It's a deal


2. 外贸人常用的英语口语对话

          外贸人常用的英语口语对话          1. 如何招揽顾客
         一般程序:招呼—问候—寻找相关话题—理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应该上前问候一句:“What can I do for you?”或“May I help you?”,也可说:“Can I be of any assistance?”,如果是熟客,可简单说声:“Good afternoon, madam. Something for you?”
         2. 如何打开话题
         如果顾客不置可否或表现出不耐烦的样子,决不可轻言放弃,可以先说: “Everybody is welcome here, madam. Whether she buys or not.(这里欢迎任何人光临,买不买都没关系)”,然后婉转地问:“Are you looking for something?”。
         3. 如何拉近距离
         首先表达自己身份,甚至可以交换名片,然后说些常用客套话,为后来的推销铺路。一句:“Would you mind my recommending?”十分有用。
         4. 如何游说购买
         初次见面就开门见山、滔滔不绝的做法已经落伍。当你要说服顾客时,最好用“Well, let me tell you why.”作为解释商品用途、优点的开场白。
         5. 如何展示商品
         可以说:“Please take a look at this.”或“That one, madam?(那个好吗?)”配合产品加以说明时,则用“As you can see, ~(正如您所见,~)”
         6. 如何拖延时间
         争取时间以便长期抗战要有技巧,再心急也要说“Please take your time”(慢慢看/参观)或“Go right ahead, please.”(随便参观)。根据情况也可通过闲聊进入主题,让顾客有一定时间考虑。
         7. 如何选取工具
         广告信函、海报、优待卷等都是销售的有效辅助工具,所谓“百闻不如一见”,一边看商品,一边听解释,才更易进入状况。所以“I'll send you our D.M.”(我会寄给您产品的广告信函)很有说服力。
         8. 如何利用店铺开张
         店铺开张和周年庆典都是很好的宣传机会,因为本店新开张,因此给予优惠,或进一步说明“If you would kindly recommend our establishment to your friends, the favor will be greatly appreciated”(如果您将本店介绍给您朋友,本店将十分感激)
         9. 如何劝客户抓紧购买
         店铺出清存货时是购买价廉物美的货物的好时机,您可以说“I understand there's not much left over”(存货不多)
         10. 如何接受电话预定
         除非是熟客,双方足够信任,否则,餐馆、旅店通常的电话应对方式是“What time can we expect you ?”(您几点来?)
         11. 如何给客人菜单
         餐厅里,引领顾客落座后通常递上菜单“Good evening, sir. Here's the dinner menu”捎待一会,再询问“May I take your order ?”(您要来点什么?)
         12. 如何引客人入座
         可以先询问“How many people, please ?”(请问几位?)以及“Do you have a reservation ?”(您订位了吗?),接下来就应该“Where would you prefer to sit ?”(您喜欢坐哪?)而引客人入座了
         13. 如何招呼顾客
         应主动说“How do I address you?”,然后再进行下一步骤。
         14. 如何让顾客稍候
         成功的推销是要建立良好长久的服务。忙不过来时,殷勤地一句“Would you mind waiting for a while?”(不介意稍候片刻吧?)足以奠定成功的基础。
         15. 如何让顾客说“买”
         双方谈得热烈的时候,说上一句“It's going to be the pride of our company.”(这将是本公司的荣幸)可以收到意想不到的奇效。
         16. 如何促使顾客下决心
         顾客犹豫不决时,您必须锲而不舍地游说,常用“Think about the advantages you will get.”(想想您能得到的利益)有利于出时顾客下决心购买。
         17. 如何取出样品
         顾客只有直接接触产品才有可能激起购买欲,所以“I have some sample”必须手口并用才有效果。
         18. 如何针对多人游说
         女性购物常常成群结队,所以您要多角度揣摩消费者喜好。在叽叽喳喳的意见中,找出主要购买者,对她说“Please insist your taste and need.”(请坚持您的品位和考虑实际需要)
         19. 如何应付挑剔的顾客
         挑剔的顾客主管意识极强,所以要避免正面争论,实在不行,记得说句“I'm very sorry we couldn't help you, sir.”(很抱歉,我帮不上什么忙)。
         20. 如何说明种类齐全
         21. 如何让顾客试穿
         展示商品的下一步就是顾客试穿了,可以说“Please try on whichever you like.”(随便试)或“Would you like to try it on?”(要不要试穿一下?)
         22. 如何说明用途
         商品要买得好,推销员对商品必须有足够的了解,说明使用方法的简易及商品的来用性,往往有利于顾客下决心购买,所以一句“Well, the self-filling device is simple.”(这种自动充墨装置十分简单)对您的推销术有举一反三之效的。
         23. 如何介绍新产品
         优秀推销员除了要有说服力、自信心和洞悉顾客心理的能力外,还要能经常介绍公司的最新或最畅销的产品。可以说“This is our newest product.”或 “This is our most recently developed product.”(这是我公司最新产品),甚至还可以强调 “They are of the newest patterns that can be obtained in town”(这个款式目前在市面上绝无仅有)。
         24. 如何说明产品特色
         面对令人眼花缭乱的产品,特色是顾客考虑的要素之一。所以,把“Its durability will be an agreeable surprise to you.”(它的耐久性将让您吃惊)常挂嘴边是必要。
         25. 如何介绍设计师风格
         顾客对衣饰的品位越来越高,所以必须掌握顾客的特殊喜好,下面的句子就显得很重要:“Do you enjoy the Italian style?”(喜欢意大利款式吗?); “Let me introduce the designer's.”(让我为您介绍设计师所设计的)
         26. 如何帮客人搭配
         推销致胜的关键是要懂得搭配之道。如今的顾客已不是因为需要,或是因为缺乏而购买衣物,而是为了搭配原有物品,比如西装配领带,上衣配裤子等等。因此,“The gray one suits you well”(灰色比较适合您)之类的句子,就成了流行的推销用语。
         27. 如何推荐特卖品
         一般而言,每家商号都自己的特色或特制品,这句“It's our specialty”(这是本店的特制品)要用得很娴熟。总之,无论是推销的商店,还是推销本身都要风格独具,才能立于不败之地。
         28. 如何提出保证
         保证有很多种,如保证期(warranty)、耐用性(durability)、新奇度(novelty)、价格低(reasonable price)等等。可以使用“It has a five- year guarantee against mechanical defects”(机件保用五年)之类的语句。
         29. 如何附送赠品
         附送赠品是经久不衰的推销手法,因此,像“That includes an extra pair of shoelaces and a bottle of polish”(附送鞋带一对及鞋油一瓶)这类的说法是能讨顾客欢心的。
         30. 如何讨论款式
         与顾客讨论款式,既能对顾客表示尊重,又能抓住顾客的实际需求。像 “How do you like this one?”(您觉得这件如何?)或“Will you not try that one?”(试试那件怎么样?)这类话语往往是讨论的前奏,如果能加上“This style is quite elegant, I think you'll like it.”这句话,则交易更易成功。
          附:外贸人常用交际口语!          1.After you.你先请。
         2.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。
         这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried.I just couldn't help it.
         3.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。 生活实例:This test isn't that important.Don't take it to heart.
         4.We'd better be off.我们该走了。 It's getting late.We'd better be off.
         5.Let's face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 I know it's a difficult situation.Let's face it, OK?
         6.Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。
         劝导别人时说:Don't just talk.Let's get started.
         7.I'm really dead.我真要累死了。
         坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead.
         8.I've done my best.我已尽力了。
         9.Is that so? 真是那样吗?
         10.Don't play games with me! 别跟我耍花招!
         11.I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。
         Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?
         Tom:I don't know for sure.Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.
         12.I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack:I'm not going to kid you.I'm serious.
         13.That's something.太好了,太棒了。
         A:I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester. B:Congratulations.That's something.
         14.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!
         15.Do you really mean it? 此话当真?
         Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David:Do you really mean it?
         16.You are a great help.你帮了大忙
         17.I couldn't be more sure.我再也肯定不过。
         18.I am behind you.我支持你。
         A:Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.
         19.I'm broke.我身无分文。
         20.Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。)
         Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.
         21.You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B:You can count on it.
         22.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。
         当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面: Oh, don't worry.I'm thinking of buying a new one.I never liked it anyway.
         23.That depends.看情况再说。
         I may go to the airport to meet her.But that depends.
         25.Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。
         当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。 26.It's a deal.一言为定
         Harry:Haven't seen you for ages.Let's have a get-together next week.
         Jenny:It's a deal

3. 关于外贸英语对话短文

      由于思维模式、表述方法、运用范畴不同 ,外贸英语在一定程度上有别于一般生活英语和其他专业英语 ,如旅游英语、新闻英语等等。我精心收集了关于外贸英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!
         关于外贸英语对话短文篇1         A:Donna!How are you? It's good to hear your voice.
         B:Thank you. Jack,it's always a pleasure doing business with you.
         A:So how are things in the land of the free and the home of brave?
         B:Great! And , how are things in your neck of the woods?
         A:Things are so great here.I almost smiled myself to death last week. One of my coworkers had to give me CPR.
         B:Oh.Jack,I have missed your sense of humor.Ha ha ha! Nobody else sees things quite like you do.It's your gift.
         A:Or a curse.
         B:Nope,it's a gift.Anyway,we need some more of those mid-range speakers you tricked me into buying last time.
         A:That, my dear,was classic sales technique delivered by a professional.
         B:Are you still gouging your customers the same price per unit?
         A:Heck no, we doubled the price,but because it's you, I'll let you have'em at 50 off.
         B:You silver-tongued devil. Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no?
         A:I could ,but where's the fun in that?
         关于外贸英语对话短文篇2         A:So how did I do?
         B:Not too good, I'm sorry.
         A:I lost?
         B:It was close.To be honest, you had the lowest price by three cents per uint,but they didn't like your delivery date.Acme promised them almost a full month sooner.
         A:So the price was good?
         B:Yes,they loved the price,the delivery date was the problem. They just didn't want to cut the delivery date that close.If something went wrong and you didn't deliver,we might not be able to get stock in time for Christmas.If you could have been two or three weeks faster on delivery, they might have gone with you.
         A:So I didn't miss by much then.
         B:No.It was very close and they argued over the bid for a long time. Better luck next time.
         A:I knew the delivery was slow but I figured the price would win it for me.
         B:That's possible,Bill.But the price would have to have been a lot lower, like around fifty cents per unit.
         关于外贸英语对话短文篇3         A:Hi,Bill. It's Marsha Black at MPPM Ltd. How are you?
         B:Hello, Marsha,I haven't heard from you in a long time. I'm great,and you?
         A:Not too bad at all. Do you have a minute?
         B:Sure, what can I do for you?
         A:We're getting ready to place our Christmas orders and we need to know about how much it's going to run this year.You know, so we can have the funds put aside.
         B:I'm really busy right now. I got a lot on my plate.So this isn't an actual bid you want but just a ballpark figure?
         A:Right, a ballpark figure is fine,and slant it a little high if you have to .
         B:Well,I can give you those figures now over the phone, is that okay? Or do you need them in writing?
         A:It's going to be shown to the Board so I need it in writing.Make all the prices subject to confirmation so you can't be held to them. How soon can I have it?
         B:Is this another rush,dear? Did you forget and wait until the last minute again?
         A:Yeah,I'm afraid so .I really need your help here.
         B:Well,just because it's you. Tomorrow, say around noon.


4. 外贸英语情景对话

         1. Hello, is this 12345678?
         2. Hello, this is ABC Company. Speak. 你好,这里是ABC公司。请讲。
         3. ABC Company. Good morning. 这里是ABC公司。早上好。
         4. ABC Company. How can I help you/May I help you? 这里是ABC公司。我该怎么帮你?
         5. Who is calling, please?
         - May I have your name, please? 请问你是哪位?
         6. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
         - I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith.
         - Mr. Smith, please.
         7. This is Mr. Smith speaking. 我就是史密斯先生。
         8. I’m so sorry that I made such an early phone call. 很抱歉这么早打电话。
         9. Could you speak more slowly (loudly), please? 请说慢(大声)一些。
         10. Is this a convenient time to talk? 现在讲电话方便吗?
         11. I think you have the wrong number. 您打错电话了。
         12. I’m sorry it’s a bad line. Please hang up and I’ll call back. 对不起,线路不好。请把电话挂了,我再给你打回去。
         13. May I have your name and phone number,please? 请问您贵姓?电话号码是多少?
         14. Could you spell your name, please? 您的名字怎么拼写?
         15. Your company representatives visited our booth at The Canton Fair. 广交会上贵公司代表参观了我们的展台。
         16. I’d like to know about the product ** of your company. 我想了解一下你们公司的**产品.
         17. I’d like to speak to your sales department manager. 我想和销售部经理讲话.
         18. I’m interested in your product **. 我对你们公司的**产品很感兴趣. 19. Thank you for calling. 感谢您打来电话。
         20. Please feel free to call me again. 欢迎您再次致电。
          PART B 情景对话 自报家门 
         A: Hello. This is ABC Company. May I help you? 你好.这里是ABC公司.我能为你效劳吗? B: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please? 你好.我想和史密斯先生讲话. A: May I have your name, please? 请问您是哪位?
         B: This is Frank of the Globe Auto Company, his new customer from U.S.A. 我是环球汽车公司的弗兰克,来自美国的新客户. A: Hold on a moment, please. 请稍等.
           要找的人不在                   A: Hello. 你好。 B: Hello. 你好。
         A: Could I speak to Mr. Huang, please? 我能和黄先生讲话吗?
         B: I’m sorry, but Mr. Huang is on a business trip. 对不起,黄先生出差了。
         A: I see. When is he expected back? 哦,他什么时候回来?
         B: He won’t be back until early next month. Would you like to talk to somebody else? 下个月初才能回来。您想和其他人讲话吗?
         A: Yes, maybe you can help me. I’d like to check on the product specification. 好,或许你能帮我。我想确认一下产品规格。
         B: Then, I think you can discuss the matter with Mr. Li who is the assistant of Mr. Huang. Shall I get him to come to the phone?
         那么,我想你可以跟李先生讨论这事,他是黄先生的助手。要他来听电话吗? A: OK, thank you. 好的,谢谢。 C: Hello. 你好。
         A: Hello. Mr. Li. This is Mr. Miller from International Trade Company. I’d like to… 你好,李先生。我是国际贸易公司的米勒先生。我想……
         A: Good morning. Sales Department. Miss Li speaking. 早上好.销售部.我姓李.
         B: Hello. This is Mr. Robert from ABC Company. I’d like to speak to your manager, Mr. Zhang. 你好.我是ABC公司的罗伯特.我想跟你们张经理讲话.
         A: I’m sorry, but Mr. Zhang is on another line right now.
         B: What time will he be available? I’ll call him again. 他什么时间有空?我再打过去.
         A: Sorry, but I really can’t say. 对不起,我真的不知道.
         B: Could you have him call me as soon as he’s free? My number is …… (mumble, mumble) 你能转告他,让他有空立刻给我回电话吗?我的号码是……(传来嘟,嘟的声音) A: I’m sorry. Could you speak loudly, sir? I’m afraid we have a bad connection. 对不起,先生,您能大声一点儿吗?线路不太好.
         B: My phone number is 12345678. Please have him call me as soon as he’s free. 我的号码是12345678.请让他有空立刻给我回电话.
         A: OK. I’m sure he will get your message. Thank you for calling. 好的,我一定会转达的.感谢您的来电.
         A: Hello, is this Shenzhen, 7868-4532? 喂,是深圳的7868-4532吗? B: Yes, it is. 是的.
         A: Could I speak to Mr. Zhang, Please? 我能和罗伯特先生讲话吗?
         B: I’m afraid he’s not in. Can I take a message? 对不起,他不在.是否要留言?
         A: Yes, please. Ask him call me as soon as he gets back. 好的.请他回来后立刻打电话给我.
         B: May I have your name and phone number, please? 请问您贵姓?电话号码是多少?
         A: Yes, my name is Frank Smith. My phone number is 365-9562 我的名字是弗兰克史密斯.电话号码是365-9562.
         B: F-R-A-N-K S-M-I-T-H, your number is 365-9562. Right, Mr. Smith. I’ll ask Mr. Zhang to call you back.
         名字是FRANK SMITH,电话是365-9562.好了,史密斯先生.我让张先生给你回电话.
         A: Thank you very much. 非常感谢.
         B: You’re welcome. 不用谢
         1. I’ll put you through right now. 我现在就帮您转接过去。
         2. I’ll connect you with the department you want. Hold on for a minute. 我将电话转到您需要的部门。请稍后。
         3. I’ll switch you over to Mr. Clark. 我将您的电话转给克拉克先生。
         4. I’m sorry but the number is engaged. We’ll call you if connected. 很抱歉电话占线,如果接通了我们就给您打电话。
         5. OK. I will transfer your phone to after-sale service department. 好的。我替您转接售后服务部。
         6. Hold on. I’ll get her for you. 稍等。我去叫她。
         7. I’m sorry you have the wrong extension. Hold the line and I’ll transfer you to him. 很抱歉,您拨错了分机号码。请稍等,我把电话转给他。 8. Hold on, let me see if she if here. 稍等,我去看看她是否在这儿。
         9. Do you know where I can reach him? 你知道怎么能联系到他吗?
         10. Hold on, please. Let me get a pencil and paper. 请等一下,我去拿笔和纸。
         11. Sorry, I have no idea. 很抱歉,我不知道。
         12. Do you know his office number? 你知道他办公室的号码吗?
         13. May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位?
         14. Put him through, please. 请把电话接过来。
         15. Please transfer this call to Mr. Smith.
         Would you put me through to Mr. Smith, please? 请将电话转给史密斯先生,好吗?
          Part B 情景对话  请求转接 
         (At the reception desk) (前台)
         A (Operator): Hello, International Truck Trading Company. May I help you? (接线员):你好!国际卡车贸易公司。我能为您效劳吗?
         B: Yes. Please transfer this call to Mr. Smith. 请把电话转给史密斯先生好吗?
         A: May I ask who’s calling, please? 请问您是哪位?
         B: This is Mr. Tyler from American Auto Parts Company.. 我是美国汽车零部件公司的泰勒先生。
         A: Just a minute, Mr. Tyler. (Switches lines) Mr. Smith, Mr. Tyler from American Auto Parts Company wants to speak to you. 请稍等,泰勒先生。(转接电话)史密斯先生,美国汽车零部件公司的泰勒先生想跟您讲话。
         C: Put him through, please. 请把电话接过来吧。
         C: Hello, Mr. Tyler. This is Mr. Smith speaking. 你好,泰勒先生。我是史密斯。
         B: Hello, Mr. Smith. I’m calling to ask how you think about our quotation.
         C: I submitted it to our top management last week. I’m just waiting for the feedback. 上周我就把报价提交给高管人员了。我正在等他们的回复。
         B: OK, I see. Could you please let me know as soon as you get their feedback? 好的,我知道了。您得到回复后能尽快通知我一声吗? C: Yeah, of course I will. 当然。
         A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Li of After-sale Service Department? 你好。我想跟售后服务部的李先生讲话。
         B: I’m sorry you have the wrong extension. This is Marketing Department. Hold the line and I’ll transfer you to him.
         抱歉,您拨错分机号码了,这里是销售部。请别挂断,我把电话转给他。 A: Thank you! 谢谢!
         C: Hello! Who is that speaking? 你好!请问你是哪位?
         A: Hello! Mr. Li. This is Mr. Cook from Fast Gear Co., Ltd. I’m calling to confirm your flight time the day after tomorrow so that I will pick you up in time at the airport.
         C: You are so considerate, Mr. Cook, thank you. Wait a moment, please. I will check the time. 您真是太好了,库克先生,谢谢。请稍等,我看一下, (After a while) (过了一会儿)
         C: The arrival time will be 15:25 p.m. 到达时间是下午15:25. A: I got it. See you then!
         A: Hello. Lu’en Truck Co. Ltd.
         B: This is Mr. Schmidt from HannoTruck Trading Company, Germany. May I talk to Mr. Liu, General Manager of Marketing Department?
         A: Sure. Wait a minute. I will switch you over to him. 好的。请稍等,我把电话转给他。
         I’m sorry but the number is engaged. We’ll call you if connected. 很抱歉,电话占线。接通了我们给您打电话。 B: That’s OK. Thank you! 好的。谢谢!

5. 外贸交际英语情景对话范文

          外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Payment 谈付款方式 
         Buyer: How are you Mr. Wang? Glad to hear you again. We've settled the questions of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?
         SELLER: Morning, Mr. Smith. Thanks for calling me for payment negotiation.
         BUYER: Do you accept D/A or D/P?
         SELLER: Sorry. We only accept irrevocable Letter of Credit payable against shipping documents.
         BUYER: I see. But as you know, the Western market has been declining recently. Business is not easy as it used to be. As an old client of yours, I think we should enjoy your special treatment. I hope you would allow us to pay by D/A or D/P.
         SELLER: I understand your situation, Mr. Smith. As you pointed out, the Western economy is going down; the international financial market is not stable. To be on the safe side, we can't make exceptions.
         BUYER: It will increase our expenses to open the L/C and tie up our funds.
         SELLER: Dear Mr. Smith, as one of our old customers, you know well that Chinese kites have enjoyed a good reputation in your market and will be selling well. The quick turnover will not only free your cost on L/C, but also benefit you a lot.
         BUYER: Your words sound OK, but we still feel that to pay by L/C is not reasonable, especially at present when the world market is inactive. In order to conclude this transaction, we both need to make some concessions. How about 50% by L/C, 50% by D/P? Otherwise we might turn to other suppliers.
         SELLER: Mr. Smith, as I said, we only accept L/C. Since you are our old customer and your order is quite large, how about 70% by L/C and 30% by D/P? This is not our normal practice. If you agree, we can make the deal. If not, I can't do anything else.
         BUYER: All right, I agree. Could you make sure that the goods will be delivered before May, 2012 so that they can catch up with the sales season before the Children's Day?
         SELLER: In this case, you'd better open the L/C before the 10th of April since we need time to get the goods ready and book the shipping space. So I suggest stipulate the time of shipment as “within 15 days after the receipt of the L/C.” Furthermore, we'd like a confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight payable against documents.
         BUYER: Another question. Can we make payment by L/C after sight?
         SELLER: It looks that we have to make another concession. In consideration of our good relationship for years, we give you further special treatment for a L/C payment 30 days after sight.
         BUYER: Thanks a lot. We think we will have a successful transaction this time.
         SELLER: We agree to your time L/C payment but it should be clear that the interest occurred should be borne by your side according to the interest rates on international monetary market. What do you think of it?
         BUYER: Agree. Thanks, Mr. Wang. We will try our best to open the L/C before 10th of April. How long should the L/C be valid?
         SELLER: Since you are paying by a 30-day L/C, let's say the L/C expires 15 days after the 30-day duration is due, OK?
         Buyer: That'll be fine. We'll open the L/C according to your requirement within the designated time.
         Seller: Thank you.
         Buyer: By the way, Mr. Wang, could you tell me what documents you'll provide?
         Seller: Together with the draft, we'll send you a complete set of Bill of Lading, a Commercial Invoice, a Certificate of Quality, a Certificate of Quantity, Packing List, a Certificate of Origin, an Insurance Policy, a Shipping Advice. That's all.
         除了合同之外,还有一整套的提货单,一张商业发票,一份品质认证书,一份数量证明书,装箱单,原产地证书,保单 和发货通知书。就这些。
         Buyer: Thanks a lot. You have been most helpful.
          外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Shipment 谈运输方式 
         Seller: Is that Mr. Sang Lee? Are you online?
         Buyer: Nice to see you again, Mr. Zhang. I'm waiting for you here.
         Seller: Thanks. We have reached an agreement on the term of payment, what about shipment?
         Buyer: That is what I want to confirm today.
         Seller: We are doing effort on this matter with local shipping companies. We have a confirmation of price based on CIF Pusan. We know we have the obligations to charter vessel and pay the freight.
         Buyer: Clearly. Do you have any information? A rich season of garlic is coming. It's top important for you to effect the shipment earlier.
         SELLER: We'll do our utmost to deliver the goods at an earliest possible. But the shipment date depends on the L/C opening date reaching us. Please establish the L/C at sight ASAP Yes. The contract tells “Shipment: within 15 days after receiving the L/C at sight”. All are confirmed and I will contact our opening bank tomorrow. We promise to deliver the goods at once after receiving your payment.
         BUYER: Another point, we prefer a reefer container for a good temperature control and a good quality guarantee. Could you arrange for this kind of vessel?
         SELLER: Surely we can. But the price we reached is based on an ordinary vessel. You know reefer container is too expensive and the additional cost will be responsible by the buyer.
         BUYER: That's a problem.
         SELLER: We suggest a half open vessel for air through during transportation. It's a nice choice for garlic product. China is so near to Korea. There is no problem.
         BUYER: OK. I agree to use a half open vessel. But attention should be paid that we ordered 500MT of fresh white garlic in one lot. That is to be clear again “partial shipment not allowed”.
         SELLER: As new orders keep coming in, we are afraid we have not enough stocks to meet your order then. We suggest you accept partial shipment in July and August 250MT each.
         BUYER: You know the price of garlic is changing so quickly due to a rich coming season. We have to receive the whole 500MT in one lot. Wish to do your utmost to fulfill the order.
         SELLER: OK. We will meet your order first to prepare and deliver in one lot in time.
         BUYER: Thanks for your cooperation. I'm wondering if it is possible for you to effect shipment before the middle of June.
         SELLER: Rather difficult for us to do. I think the shipment will be effected at the early July. That is the best we can do.
         BUYER: Too late. July is the selling season for this product in our market. If you manage to deliver the goods two or three weeks earlier, everything will be fine and we will be able to catch the selling season. Therefore, the goods must be shipped before June 20th.
         SELLER; Well, I understand. We have signed many contracts recently. It is really beyond our power.
         Buyer: I sincerely hope that you will give our request special consideration.
         Seller: OK. We are old friends. We will try our best to arrange for you. We assure you that the shipment will be completed before the end of June if we receive your L/C in time.
         Buyer: I appreciate what you have done for me. We're looking forward to receiving your advice of shipment as early as possible. Good luck.
         Seller: Good luck. See you.


6. 日常外贸交际英语情景对话

          外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Packing 谈包装 
         Section 1 Speaking talking about the Silk Garment Packing
         In order to promote sales, Mr. James is offering very valuable advice to Mr. Zhang on packing the silk garments.
         Buyer: Are you online, Mr. Zhang? Our negotiation is going on well. We have already agreed on prices, quantity and order. Don't you think we should have some ideas on packing now?
         Seller: Glad to see you again, Mr. James. Do you have any suggestions on packing of our silk garments?
         Buyer: I think your silk garment is superb. The traditional hand-embroidered design is an irresistible appeal to us Americans. But do you mind if I give you any suggestions?
         Seller: Never mind. We appreciate any kind of suggestions or comments. They would be great help to our future work.
         Buyer: Well, there is no question of your garments. But have you ever thought of improving the packing of them?
         Seller: So great. It is grateful to get your sincere idea. Go on talking.
         Buyer: As far as I'm concerned, packing is as important as the products themselves. Without good and attractive packing, the buyers just ignore your products or even refuse to have a look at them even if they are of best quality. Who knows what kind of product is wrapped inside with such a poor packing?
         Seller: You sound really reasonable and convincing. Could you be more specific?
         Buyer: I find you have packed your garments in plain simple plastic poly-bags.
         Seller: Exactly. We have been using this kind of packing for many years. Does it have some disadvantages?
         Buyer: Yes, I think so. Packing should be improved day by day with time going. To make them more attractive, elegant and expensive, I suggest you use double-packing, for example, use an outer cardboard box with window display which can provide a look inside. The cardboard box should be designed with exquisite style to match the excellent embroidery of the garment. In one word, the packing should be tasteful and eye catching. Attractive packing promotes the sales.
         Seller: That's really a great idea. I think our designers can improve the packing. Thanks for your valuable suggestion.
         Buyer: It is also a consideration of our sales purpose of your products. Customer's needs are always our guidance.
         Seller: Exactly right. Your suggestions remind me of the importance of packing.
         Buyer: What is it?
         Seller:I have a friend, who is a package maker for festival gifts. The products are moon cakes boxes and tea boxes.
         Buyer: Very typical products. The advantages of these products package are more obvious in America.
         Seller: My friend told me secretly that 500g tea wrapped in a paper bag with a price of only RMB50.00 yuan will be sold with a price of nearly RMB400.00 packed in his elegant wooden box in a supermarket. This is the function of package!
         Buyer: It is really a good example of the importance of packing. Your silk garments are the same with tea!
         Seller:I see. I will consult with our designers soon to solve the urgent problem. I will send you pictures of sample package for your comments first.
         Buyer:I will also consult with our wholesalers again for further improvements of the packing then.
         Seller: Wonderful. In order to express our thanks to your precious suggestion, we promise to send freely ten sets of special silk garments to your family.
         Buyer: Oh, great. It seems I should often give you some suggestions.
         Seller: Haha, welcome!
          外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Insurance 谈保险 
         Seller: Mr. Zhang? We made an appointment last time to have a discussion on insurance at 8:00 your time today. I'm here now.
         Buyer: Oh, I'm here waiting online for you now. You are always punctual. Of course we Chinese are always confidential too. Haha.
         Seller: I believe we will be surely successful in our cooperative business. We have so many points in common.
         Buyer: Successful business is based on equality and mutual benefits. There is a great demand of linseed oil in our market recently. We have received so many inquiries and orders these days. We are thinking of placing an additional order with you for 1,000MT linseed oil of the same grade at once if this order of 1,000MT linseed oil is satisfactory.
         Seller: Wonderful! It seems we have to quicken the negotiation process. Shall I have your specific requirements?
         Buyer: Thanks. Our price is confirmed by CIF Qingdao. That means your side will buy the insurance and bear the insurance premium. That will spare us the trouble to go to our underwriters and saves us much time.
         Seller: You said it. Actually, it is our interest to insure the goods ourselves. Besides, our insurance company Royale Beige, formerly called AXA Belgium, can offer good services. It has agencies in particularly all the cities of the world. If any damage or loss occurs, you may file a claim with your local insurance agent within 60 days after the arrival of the goods. Of course, your claim should be supported by a survey report. Then Royale Beige will undertake to compensate you for the loss according to the risks insured.
         言之有理。确实,对自己的产品投保对我们自己也有益。而且我们的保险公司Royale Beige(此前叫比利时安盛)提供的保险服务也很好,他们的办事处遍布世界各个城市。如果货物受到损害,您可以在收到货物后60日内向当地保险办事处索赔。当然,你们要有调查报告作为证据,这样Royale Beige就会根据投保情况对你们进行赔偿。
         Buyer: You are so professional and acquainted. Wait, I copy these down.
         Seller: So lovely you are.
         Buyer: It's OK now. Will you give us a premium rebate just as other underwriters do?
         Seller: I'm afraid we are unable to comply with your request. The insurance rates offered by our underwriters run much lower than those in other directions.
         Buyer: Well, in that case, I suppose we have to be content with what you can do. One more thing, you'll cover WPA and War Risks that are general clauses of marine insurance, won't you?
         Seller: Well, we can cover all basic risks and additional risks as required so long as it is stipulated in the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of Royale Beige.
         我们会包括所有基本的险种,除此以外,Royale Beige规定的一切海运保险条款也会包括在内。
         Buyer: Then do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks?
         Seller: Certainly. We can offer Risks of Leakage, Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage, Hook Damage, Breakage of Packing, Clashing, TPND and so forth.
         Buyer: I suppose they are classified under Extraneous Risks.
         Seller: Yes. PICC has almost the same insurance regulations.
         Buyer: Another thing, I'd like to have the insurance covered at 120% of the invoice amount. Do you think that can be done?
         Seller: I think so. But please note that our insurance coverage is usually for 110% of the invoice value, not for 120%. Thus the extra premium should be born by the buyer.
         Buyer: I understand. So happy to talk with you.
         Seller: Does it mean you are leaving soon? How about complaints and claims?
         Buyer: I'd suggest leaving this topic till tomorrow, as it's rather late now.
         Seller: All right. Let's call it a day.

7. 外贸英语情景对话Unit27接待国外客户时常用语


8. 外贸电话英语的口语对话

    Making telephone calls is an important part a secretary's work. When Mr Shelli wants to speak to someone on the telephone, Maria gets the call for him. Today Mr Shelli wants to talk to. Mr Kola of the National Bank. Here he is asking Maria to get the call for him. 
    MR SHELLI: I'd like to speak to Mr Kola of the National Bank, would you get him on the phone,please? 
    MARIA: Certainly, I'll do it at once, Mr Shelli. TO HERSELF Now what's Mr Kola's number? Ah,here it is …… five, three, zero,double six. LIFTS PHONE 
    ROSE: Switchboard, can I help you? 
    MARIA: Good morning, Rose. Maria here.Could I have an outside line,please? 
    ROSE: Oh, hello, Maria. Hold the line a moment.DIALLINGThere you are, you've an outside line now, you can hear the dialling tone. 
    MARIA: Thank you. TO HERSELF Five, three, zero, six, six.RINGING 
    2ND OPERATOR: National Bank.Good morning,can I help you? 
    MARIA: Good morning, would you put me through to Mr Kola please? 
    2ND OPERATOR: MR Kola? Certainly. Who's calling him? 
    MARIA:Mr Shelli of Modern Office Limited would like to speak to him. 
    2ND OPERATOR: Thank you. Hold the line, please.PHONE 
    MR KOLA: Kola speaking. 
    2ND OPERATOR: Good morning, Mr Kola. I have a call for you from Mr Shelli of Modern Office Limited. 
    MR KOLA: Thank you, Operator, put him through, please. 
    MARIA: Mr Kola? 
    MR KOLA: Kola speaking. 
    MARIA:Oh, good morning, Mr Kola. Mr Shelli is calling you. Would you hold the line a moment please. I'll hand you over. Mr Shelli? 
    MR SHELLI: Yes? 
    MARIA: Mr Kola's on the line now, Mr Shelli. Will you take it in here please? 
    MR SHELLI:Thank you Maria. Hello, is that Mr Kola? 
    MR KOLA: Good morning, Mr Shelli. 
    MR SHELLI: Ah, good morning, Mr Kola, how are you? 
    MR KOLA: Fine, thanks, and you? 
    MR SHELLI: Very well, thank you. 
    MR KOLA: I'm glad to hear it. Well, what can I do for you, Mr Shelli? 
    MR SHELLI: Well, I'm going to Europe next week and I'd like some travellers cheques. 7,000 dollars say… 
    MR KOLA: 7,000 dollars. Yes certainly I can fix that for you. So you're going to Europe, are you?