
2024-05-25 13:57

1. 取消交易的英文

取消交易的英文是Cancel transaction
但据一位了解该交易内情、也熟悉TPG的人士透露,TPG在尽职调查过程中发现了一些东西,所以决定取消交易。But TPG uncovered things in the course of that due diligence that led the firm to call off the deal

a person familiar with the transaction and with TPG said. 每次他尝试下单时,系统就会取消交易。Each time he tried, the system cancelled the transaction. 用户决定提交或取消交易。The user decides to commit or cancel the transaction. 

我需要你取消交易。好吗?I need you to kill the deal, okay? 他如果变卦取消交易,你就起诉他。If he backs out of the deal, you can sue him.
